Media Inquiries
ASJA is the expert on professional freelance writing. And our members are specialists in a wide variety of fields and specialties, including solo-business management and craft.

Contact ASJA
For expert comments and authoritative information on the following and other subjects, email us at or call 212-997-0947.
- Independent contractor rights
- Threats to independent contractor business (such as California’s AB5 and the PRO Act)
- Writing contracts
- Launching and sustaining a freelance writing career
- First Amendment issues
- Freelance writing earnings
- Copyright issues
- Censorship issues
- Journalistic ethics

Contact ASJA Members
Our members are experts in their writing fields. With books, articles, and years of experience under their belts, you can count on ASJA members as expert sources on a range of important topics.
Search our member listing by topic to identify proven experts.