Writing Award Winners
2023 Winners
First-Person Essay
Winner: Hell in the SRO: A Veteran’s True Story by Alex Miller in Esquire
With Hell in the SRO: A Veteran’s True Story, Alex Miller delivers an unflinching personal account of his struggle — and the bureaucracy he must navigate to seek help. Moving fluently from the personal to the universal, Miller shares heart-wrenching details of his own journey through hell, set against thoroughly-reported context and statistics. Miller’s courageous honesty about his own homelessness, addiction and trauma illuminate the tragic circumstances that far too many veterans, and a disproportionate number of Black veterans, must face. Miller unforgettably makes the case that America needs to do better by our veterans.
Winner: Here Comes Miss Ann: Black People Know the Likes of Margaret Court All Too Well by Merlisa Lawrence Corbett in The Guardian
In “Here Comes Miss Ann: Black People Know the Likes of Margaret Court All Too Well, ” Merlisa Lawrence Corbett writes with a voice that is both distinct and authoritative as she examines racism in the world of tennis.
Reported Essay
Winner: We Saved the Puffins. Now a Warming Planet is Unraveling that work by Derrick Z. Jackson in Grist
Compelling and gut-wrenching reporting with a lot of research behind it. The author writes with emotion and persuasion. Said one judge, “I felt like it ended and I was holding my breath.”
Honorable Mention: End Times in Aspen by Andrew Travers in The Atlantic
Incredible reporting mixed with personal essay elements for a dramatic read. The piece showed the author’s careful, investigative research and a passion for the subject.
Winner: The Caregivers by Kelly Loudenberg in The Atavist Magazine
A beautiful, well-written and masterfully crafted profile. An impressive amount of research captures the true essence of the extraordinary individuals central to the story. The winning story demonstrates an excellent balance of reporting and creative storytelling with well chosen details that are simultaneously specific and universal.
Winner: Beautiful Strength: ‘Sobrevivir’ Pays Homage to the Women Coerced to Sterilization in 1960s and ’70s L.A by Carren Jao in KCET
The judges felt this piece was powerful, gut wrenching, beautiful and inspirational. The reporting was well researched and insightful, and the writer took an often-dismissed topic, put it into historical context, made it relevant and showed how mainstream the abuse of women’s reproductive rights, particularly in marginalized communities, has become.
Winner: Roe Reversal May Go Well Beyond Abortion by Tara Haelle in Medscape
Tara wrote a compelling story about complex medical issues related to problematic pregnancies, illustrating the dramatic effect that restricting access to abortion has on women’s lives and health. It could not have been easy to get the interviews Tara secured for this piece, and it took great skill and sensitivity to probe such a difficult subject with the women whose lives were endangered because doctors could not by law perform the procedure they required, even though they could have died without it.
Honorable Mention: Global Vaccine Inequity by Liz Seegert in American Journal of Nursing
Liz’s skill with data-driven journalism shone a light on the inequity in COVID vaccine distribution worldwide during the height of the pandemic, and the lack of vaccine availability in low-income countries. Using multiple sources of data, Liz substantiated the complaints of an international coalition of nurses’ unions to the United Nations and WHO about patent protections that prevented countries in Africa and South Asia from manufacturing mRNA vaccines for their own populations.
Winner: An Experiment in Nanotourism by Ruth Terry in Fields & Stations
Ruth captured our judges with the first sentence, “On the car radio, the Georgian folksingers’ voices lilt and soar, but as I take in my surroundings, my stomach sinks.” We traveled along as she adventured into good and not so good sides of nanotourism, and she motivated us to learn more about the meaning of it. It is an honest story, well told, and well presented. We liked it all combines, plus It gave us a unique view of the country of Georgia and delivered a message that it is fine for women to be traveling alone: If things go sideways, you can always try a good hotel.
Honorable Mention: Places Unexpected by Evan Nesterak in Behavioral Scientist (“Brain Meets World” print edition)
Along the way in this expertly crafted story, we learn that internal explorations can be as treacherous as worldly adventures.
Honorable Mention: Alone at the Edge of the World by Cassidy Randall in The Atavist Magazine
A well-written story that never succumbs to the hyperbolic journalism that dogged a brave sailor as she battled the elements in a small boat on a long ocean race.
Social Change
Winner: When the Heat Is Unbearable but There’s Nowhere to Go by Sara Sax in High Country News
This piece deftly combines two critical issues – prison reform and climate change. The writing is clear and compelling and it’s obvious a great deal of research and reporting went into it. The author expertly pieces together the data and materials from interviews to write the story chronologically/in a way that keeps it moving along at a fast clip. This was a great read.
Honorable Mention: I Was Given a House for free – But it Already Belonged to Someone Else by Anne Elizabeth Moore in Guardian
Our judges admired the writing for its sheer honesty about real world issues. Indeed, some people want whatever they can get for free. Nevertheless, a fundamental fact is that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Also, given the nature of modern economics, social change must happen to avoid society collapsing. After all, political, economic, and social problems resulted in the fall of the Roman Empire, so people must avoid history repeating itself. Finally, nobody wants to live in the Middle (Dark) Aged anyways!
Winner: Complex Saviors by Magdalena Puneiwska in New York Magazine
A compelling story, told using narrative, detailing new information and protocol for healthcare workers to identify victims of human trafficking.
How-To (formerly Service)
Winner: Bridge the Gap: Our Differences Don’t Have to Keep Us Polarized by Katherine Reynolds Lewis in Experience Life
We selected this piece because it’s highly topical and the presentation of the complexity of the problem and how to work through it fit very well to the “how-to” treatment. The incorporation of both expert insight and real-life examples was well-balanced and made for a solid piece of journalism that tackles a common and relatable problem in today’s society.
Food & Drink
Winner: Our Braided Bread by Benjamin DuBow in Longreads
Benjamin’s piece manages to be an idiosyncratic personal essay about one man’s intimate relationship with his sourdough starter, as well as a Jewish historical lesson, fish out of water story and elaborately detailed recipe all in one.
Honorable Mention: Kanaye Nagasawa: The Samurai Who Forever Changed California by Melanie Haiken in BBC
Melanie Haiken’s in-depth well-researched BBC profile “Kanaye Nagasawa: The Samurai Who Forever Changed California” shines light on a largely forgotten pocket of history and reminds us how a single person – in this case a Japanese immigrant -played a vital role in shaping American food culture.
Honorable Mention: In Asturias, Cider is Not Just a Beverage in a Bottle by Sofia Perez in Whetstone Journal
Sofia Perez’s richly detailed, engaging Whetstone Magazine account “In Asturias, Cider is Not Just a Beverage In a Bottle” shares the background (and potential future) of a regional Spanish drink. She not only provides the reader with a strong sense of a place and its people, but also conveys how so much cultural weight can be translated onto this unique beverage.
Excellence in Reporting
Winner: Why Is It So Hard to Compensate People for Serious Vaccine Side Effects? by Tara Haelle in National Geographic
With this piece, Tara Haelle deftly tackles a complicated and controversial topic while weaving in compelling narratives from people who have suffered from severe vaccination side effects — and she does so by presenting the facts and addressing the shortcomings of an outdated system.
Winner: AI’s New Frontier: Connecting Grieving Loved Ones With the Deceased by Caren Chesler in The Washington Post
Fascinating topic and well done. A balanced look at a new practice of grieving that some might find compelling, others horrifying.
Business, including Marketing
Winner: As Drought Hits Farms, Investors Lay Claim to Colorado Water by Jennifer Oldham in Civil Eats
This story is a captivating tale about the collision of water rights, economic growth and rapid population growth. The author provides extensive information about the owners of water distribution companies and the conflicts between farmers and non-rural users of water. As water resources become more scarce, this story sheds much-needed light on a topic that profoundly affects our lives and the lives of generations to come.
The Arlenes: Articles That Make a Difference
Winner: Physical Therapy for Native American Populations by Michele Wojciechowski in APTA Magazine
Wojciechowski’s article for APTA about physical therapy for Native American and Alaska Native populations targeted a niche audience but deeply influenced healthcare responses and patient care on the Navajo Reservation (documented) and surely did so in other places, as well (though not documented). Furthermore, the piece helped the Thundering Buffalo Health & Wellness Center gain grant money.
Honorable Mention: When an Estranged Relative Dies, Some Face Grief, Regret and Relief by Caitlin Kelly in The New York Times
Kelly’s piece on grief in The New York Times clearly touched a sensitive nerve with readers. The reported essay pulled in over 1300 comments. The Times even ran the story a second time, one year later, and the piece appeared on the homepage of nytimes.com.
The Arlenes: Books That Make a Difference
Winner: Finding Ecohappiness: Fun Nature Activities to Help Your Kids Feel Happier and Calmer by Sandi Schwartz
With technology so prevalent in our lives, sometimes too prevalent, connecting with nature feels more important than ever, and especially for kids. This offers great practical tips that anyone with kids can immediately put into practice.
Honorable Mention: Traveling Different: Vacation Strategies for Parents of the Anxious, the Inflexible, and the Neurodiverse by Dawn M. Barclay
Insightful, astute, sympathetic, comprehensive, and packed with penetrating advice, invaluable information, and bountiful resources, this book will make a real difference in the lives of many families. Barclay’s exhaustive, well-organized and well-thought-out coverage of the myriad issues that arise in traveling with special-needs family members fills a real need and bespeaks her deep expertise, genuine concern for her readers and contagious enthusiasm for travel. An important contribution.
Blog Post
Winner: Good Intentions by Janice Lynch Schuster
This moving blog reminded readers about the power of reaching out to people who are grieving and the effect this can have. Although Schuster’s piece was fairly short, it packed in a dramatic surprise, sweetness and poignancy.
Winner: Trees are Overrated by Julia Rosen in The Atlantic
“Trees are Overrated” is a very well written and engaging, effortless read; well researched and enlivened by good interviewing of people whose conviction is moving. It contradicts our commonly held views on the value of trees vs grassland with seeming objectivity and makes its case beautifully. The judges were not only convinced, but led to care about the issue and remain concerned long-term.
Honorable Mention: With Old Traditions and New Tech, Young Inuit Chart their Changing Landscape by Cheryl Katz in Hakai Magazine
This big-hearted story skillfully explores the efforts of the Inuit people of Canada’s Hudson Bay region to maintain their traditional lifestyles in the face of climate change. Counterintuitively, glacier loss is causing the bay’s floor to rise, creating navigational challenges and other threats. The writer wisely chooses to carry much of the story through young people, who act as citizen scientists to map their local seafloor even as they learn traditional skills like beluga hunting.
Honorable Mention: True Grit by J.B. MacKinnon in The Atavist Magazine
“True grit” reads like a good novel, something a lot of narrative feature writers attempt to do but don’t succeed. The writer maintains our interest not just with well crafted narrative and eloquence but with humor. And you wind up caring deeply about the main characters, three cows, not because the writer anthropomorphized them like Babe, the pig, or Charlotte, the spider, but by showing a great struggle they faced and the courage and fortitude they used to overcome it.
Fitness & Sports
Winner: Behavioral Science in the Backcountry by Greg Rosalsky in Behavioral Scientist (“Brain Meets World” print edition).
We liked how the story started with a gripping anecdotal lede, and from there expanded into a variety of elements, including social science, psychology and the whys and hows of decision making. This story will probably save lives.
Honorable Mention: King of the Hill by Jana Meisenholder in The Atavist Magazine
It was a long story that didn’t read like a long story, on a topic that a lot of people probably aren’t familiar with. The author really immersed herself into the entire culture, and there were a lot of good details and background.
The Donald Robinson Memorial Award for Investigative Journalism
Winner: A Matter of Honor by Sarah Souli in The Atavist Magazine
This is an excellent piece that demonstrates extensive and original investigative reporting — along with very well-written prose. The reporter clearly had little access to few concrete facts and stayed with the story for an extensive time period, doing a lot of footwork and challenging interviews, then wrote a gripping, well-organized story.
Honorable Mention: Tyson Says Its Nurses Help Workers. Critics Charge They Stymie OSHA. by Alice Driver in Civil Eats
We felt this story also showed extensive reporting and interviewing, which was well incorporated into a story along with statistics and an exploration of federal standards and rules. The story did an excellent job of portraying what has been found in federal investigations. It was a tremendous enterprise story.
June Roth Memorial Award for Outstanding Medical Book
Winner: Healthy Heart, Healthy Brain: The Proven Personalized Path to Protect Your Memory, Prevent Heart Attacks and Strokes, and Avoid Chronic Illness by Lisa Collier Cool in Little Brown, Spark
This book provides patients with critical information for their health and well being and actionable steps to take. As one judge noted, “I have so many notes now to take with me to my annual physical to ask my doctor!”
General Nonfiction
Winner: The Other Side of Prospect by Nicholas Dawidoff in W. W. Norton & Company
This is a layered story, describing the history of a town, a neighborhood within it, people who live there, and an event that was violent and all too common in Modern America. By exploring these different perspectives, the author brings a story that may have taken 30 seconds to tell on the news to life, including rich details and dimension.
Winner: The Loneliest Places: Loss, Grief, and the Long Journey Home by Rachel Dickinson
Rachel Dickinson’s book about grief is beautiful, haunting, and explores a topic many of us would rather avoid, but that all of us will experience in one form or another in our lives. The essays are connected, but not chronological, and their arrangement is an important part of the beauty of the book as a whole. Grief and healing are big topics and Dickinson shares her family’s experience with great vulnerability.
Winner: The Monster’s Bones by David Randall
Readers are taken on a truly poetic adventure through time from the very first page. Each carefully crafted sentence is its own individual treasure. The book is in perfect harmony structurally, technically, and historically, and would make an excellent and compelling read for both adults and young adults.
Honorable Mention: POOR RICHARD’S WOMEN; Deborah Read Franklin and the Other Women Behind the Founding Father by Nancy Rubin Stuart in Beacon Press
Poor Richard’s Women told the story of Benjamin Franklin and the (many) women in his life with grace and humor, ushering the reader along with engaging prose and excellent utilization of quotes from her subjects. The book’s angle is both fresh and entertaining.
Winner: The Book Bible by Susan Shapiro in Tablet
Susan Shapiro offers practical and actionable advice along with personal nuggets to make what could be a run-of-the-mill how-to book engaging and fun to read.
Winner: Planktonia: The Nightly Migration of the Ocean’s Smallest Creatures by Erich Hoyt
Science, history and photography are ably combined in this visually stunning book to provide a rich educational experience.
Honorable Mention: Moody Moody Cars by Eileen Kennedy Moore
B2B Article
Winner: Telehealth and Access, Fulfilling the Promise by Emily Paulsen in urac.org
Detailing the history, current status, and future issues surrounding telehealth, this piece is thorough and very well organized. Telehealth is a complex and nuanced topic, and Paulsen does an excellent job of examining it from multiple angles.
B2C Article
Winner: Suddenly Speechless by Jane Langille in Mind Over Matter
The article begins with an attention-grabbing hook that effectively draws the reader in by using examples of famous people like Joni Mitchell and Bruce Willis. Overall, the article provides a comprehensive overview of aphasia, including its causes, symptoms, impact on quality of life, and available therapies. The writing quality is clear and concise, with a professional tone appropriate for a scientific or medical publication while remaining approachable for a more general audience. The information appears well-researched and references studies, experts, and organizations. The organization of the text is logical, with clear subheadings and sections that aid in navigation. The call-out boxes offering additional resources and examples of the condition are especially helpful and user-friendly.
Honorable Mention: A Guide to OKRs and Overcoming the Pain of Them by Jennifer Riggins in The New Stack
Winner: #A11y: Accessibility Is Part of the Developer Experience by Jennifer Riggins in Container Solutions
Jennifer Riggins goes beyond business-to-business writing in this piece to deliver human-to-human content that is engaging and memorable. With a variety of relevant sources and easily digestible copy and quotes, she defines problems and presents solutions with clear language — and has some fun along the way.
2022 Winners
First-Person Essay
Winner: Grief Work by Ashley Bethard in VIDA
This piece is a moving exploration of Ashley Bethard’s painful grieving process after the death of her sibling. This evocative and timely essay is filled with imagery that beautifully illustrates Bethard’s journey.
Winner: Policies Mandated by Multilateral Institutions Are Contributing to India’s COVID Catastrophe by Puja Changoiwala in Scientific American
Puja Changoiwala brings a topic of global importance to American readers. The judges were impressed by the detailed research and how the author navigated the labyrinth of NGO policies and then was able to explain it to readers. The author’s inclusion of other developing countries helps widen the reader’s understanding of how fiscal and economic policies adversely affected public health in these countries. The judges also appreciate how the writer broadened the scope of COVID-19 coverage in the U.S. to include an international perspective.
Honorable Mention: Foster children face a tough journey — but one simple, household item can make it better by Deborah Lynn Blumberg in the Houston Chronicle
Deborah Lynn Blumberg deftly incorporates thorough research and reporting into clear, seemingly effortless prose, offering readers compelling evidence and welcome hope that small actions, like providing foster children with a proper suitcase for transporting their belongings, can make a meaningful difference in their lives.
Honorable Mention: The Silent Epidemic of Premature Death in Black Men by Nina Harawa in Undark
Journalist and epidemiologist Nina Harawa shines light on the crisis of premature deaths among Black men in the U.S. Now made even worse due to COVID-19, life expectancy among non-Hispanic Black men fell by three years. That’s four times the decline for white men and women. The topic is heartbreaking and Harawa adroitly navigates the waters between science and storytelling to write an opinion piece that demands the reader pay attention and take action.
Honorable Mention: Covid vaccine mandate for federal employees and office workers is what the doctor ordered by Michael T. Luongo in NBC News’s Think
This piece hits all the right notes with a timely news hook, meaningful historical context, and—especially—specific anecdotes that build a convincing case for the author’s pro-vaccine mandate argument. The way Michael T. Luongo weaves together his professional experience as a contact tracer and his own personal losses to COVID-19 makes this entry a standout in the op-ed category.
Reported Essay
Winner: These Forgotten Essays Reveal the Secrets and Dreams of Jewish Teens as Hitler Drew Near by Kristina Gaddy in Narratively
Kristina Gaddy’s essay is a riveting and moving account of how teens are teens throughout the decades and wars, with a sobering dose of history sprinkled throughout. It skillfully balances reporting with personal expression.
Winner: “Broken Pelvises, Collapsed Lungs, and Decades of Winning: Barrel Racing’s Martha Josey Has Seen It All,” by Laura Beil in Texas Monthly
We loved Laura Beil’s profile of champion barrel racer Martha Josey, who rose to the top of a highly competitive sport and overcame devastating injury and many other challenges to stay there for decades. Beil captures Josey’s personality, grit, and inimitable style in a beautifully written story that also shines light on the fascinating world of competitive barrel racing.”
Winner: Threads of Life by Ruth Terry in Crafts
This article is an intriguing exploration of a unique topic – the crossroads of craft, fine art, and the use of human and synthetic hair. Ruth Terry juxtaposed the art of ‘hair crafting’ to societal issues such as racism, sexism, and class in this well-written, thoroughly researched, and engaging piece.
Winner: Search A for HbA1C by Karen Blum in Clinical Laboratory News
Karen Blum’s clear statement about the confusion around the names of laboratory tests, explanation of the solutions process, and skillful use of expert sources make this a balanced, readable piece for professionals in the field—and for lay readers as well.
Honorable Mention: The Incredible Diversity of Viruses by Amber Dance in Nature
Amber Dance’s clear, concise writing and careful analysis of the subject matter made what could have been a fairly dry topic lively and comprehensible.
Winner: The Chef Preserving Gullah Culture Through Storytelling by Jessica Farthing in BBC’s World’s Table
This story has a great lede and is thoughtfully written. There is a lot of good research that provides historical context while connecting it to a contemporary story. Jessica Farthing is successful in not only sharing a compelling profile about a local changemaker but, as a travel piece, it makes readers want to follow in her footsteps and explore the destination.
Social Change
Winner: The Dire Consequences of Pleading Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity in Colorado by Daliah Singer in 5280
In this deeply reported story, Daliah Singer balances scene-setting and narrative journalism, and leverages meticulous sourcing to examine the flip side of an issue that we don’t often think about or even see. Through the lens of local reporting, the story highlights a national issue.
Co-Winner: The Black Box Breakers: Blowing the Lid off of Biological Essentialism in Medicine by Kavin Senapathy in Grow
The judges were impressed by the depth of reporting and the clear explanations of complicated health science information, which were deftly handled. Kavin Senapathy opened with a very strong anecdotal lede and offered an eye-opening take on the reasons behind racism as a public health crisis. It broke down many of the misconceptions about why health disparities exist, and how bias creeps into medical education and research. This includes examples such as sickle cell disease and how it’s not a genetic difference based on race, but rather based on geography and adaptation. The writer came back around to the opening anecdote at the end to wrap the whole piece up neatly.
Co-Winner: A Geneticist’s Biggest Challenge: Curing His Own Son by Michaela Haas in Al Jazeera
This piece was a stand-out for writing and the degree of reporting that went into it, as well as being a compelling story tied to big societal issues. We were knocked out by the emotional power of the story that let us see directly into the family’s everyday life in such a raw way. The story really connects readers with the people and made the science reporting inviting and accessible.
How-To (formerly Service)
Winner: Yes, You Can Actually Slow Down Aging, According to New Science by Beth Howard in Prevention
Judges were drawn to the way it does justice to an important topic; advice on how to live a longer, healthier life. It provides solid information in an accessible, readable form that avoids jargon. It includes a range of research in enough depth to interest the casual reader without being overwhelming. The sourcing is credible and Beth Howard’s writing is clear and straightforward. The story kept our interest from beginning to end.
Food & Drink
Winner: Saved by the Bell by Heather Arndt Anderson in Oregon Humanities
Beginning with Heather Arndt Anderson’s grabby, honest lede, the piece is winningly unpretentious: Real, surprising, funny. And we loved the bit where she casts judgement on her grade-school teacher for using ketchup as a salad dressing.
Excellence in Reporting
Winner: Pencils Down: The Year Pre-College Tests Went Away by Amber Dance in Knowable Magazine
This article dives into the sudden disappearance of required SAT and ACT tests for undergraduate applicants at many colleges due to COVID-19, the impact of the change on students and schools, and the prospects for these tests in the future. Amber Dance’s intensive
reporting and historical context illuminate the real and perceived benefits and risks of these tests; the article’s charts and tables offer critical supporting data to provide a rich, useful experience for readers on a topic of vital importance.
Winner: In the Debate Over ‘SIDS Monitors,’ Evidence Is Thin All Around by Michael Schulson in Undark
Supporters hope modern baby monitors might prevent sudden infant death syndrome. Critics are doubtful. Michael Schulson explores who’s right. This long article is well-written and reported, interesting, scientifically based, and covers an important health topic.
Honorable Mention: Slum Dwellers in India Get Unique Digital Addresses by Shoma Abhyankar in MIT Technology Review
This was an extremely interesting topic the judges hadn’t heard of before—“plus codes” that mark locations in Indian slums, which means residents can get mail and deliveries and open bank accounts. Shoma Abhyankar’s story was clearly written and well-organized, and documented an important topic that is changing lives for the better.
Winner: Mixed Media: Once Considered Revolutionary, Women’s Media is on the Decline. How Will the Industry Reinvent Itself? by Ruth Terry in Trix Magazine
Ruth Terry did an impeccable job of highlighting the rollercoaster of women’s media. The words were passionate, succinct, and supported with insightful quotes and research. We walked away feeling empowered for the next stage of women’s media.
The Arlenes: Articles That Make a Difference
Winner: After 50 Years of Sexual Assault Shame, I’m Finally Reclaiming My Voice by Court Stroud in Newsweek
We were moved by Court Stroud’s story and also that it affected at least one person enough to connect with him. We were also impressed that a mainstream publication gave voice to someone from a marginalized population with a sensitive story to tell. We hope that this kind of visibility continues.
Blog Post
Winner: Buried Asian Trauma and Treasure by Dulce Zamora
Dulce Zamora’s piece was well written and gives in-depth, varied descriptions of the prejudice she has experienced. Also, we found her sidebar with the history of discrimination helpful and unexpected. We also appreciated her timely take on an important issue that deserves so much awareness, made more powerful by her personal experience.
Honorable Mention: India Desperate for Vaccines Even as Many Americans Rebuff Them by Tara Haelle
Tara Haelle offered competent science reporting and we appreciated the global perspective. This well-researched, important piece offered a compelling comparison and the photos spoke volumes.
Winner: The Egg Industry Grapples with a Grim Practice: Chick Culling by Jonathan Moens in Undark
This story exposes a little-known problem and is exactly the type of journalism that can help create change by shining a light where the industry doesn’t want it shone. The judges loved how Jonathan Moens held industry sources accountable for the current status of the problem and how he sifted through the various imperfect-but-better potential solutions.
Honorable Mention: Humanity is Flushing Away One of Life’s Essential Elements by Julia Rosen in The Atlantic
This fascinating story was amazingly well-researched. Julia Rosen brought to light a problem most were unaware of, that phosphorus is both essential to human nutrition and agriculture and yet extremely difficult to produce. Rosen’s characters made a memorable contribution to her charmingly meandering tale.
Fitness & Sports
Winner: Hank Aaron Still Stands Alone by Derrick Z. Jackson for The American Prospect
We found Derrick Z. Jackson’s article to be an engaging and humanizing portrait that illustrated who Hank Aaron really was and addressed his character—particularly in contrast to other Hall of Fame candidates and the bottom feeders who sent him threats during his pursuit of the home run record. We also appreciated the details that came from the author, who had a lengthy relationship with Aaron. (Great photo, too!)
The Donald Robinson Memorial Award for Investigative Journalism
Winner: Below Aging U.S. Dams, A Potential Toxic Calamity by James Dinneen and Alexander Kennedy in Undark
The essence of investigative reporting is uncovering previously unseen but important connections, and that is exactly what James Dinneen and Alexander Kennedy accomplish. They offer an absolutely original combination of two sets of data, and two dangers, that officials and experts had not previously connected but that together could spell major disasters. Insight and analysis of the highest order.
Honorable Mention: Gathering Storm: The Industrial Infrastructure Catastrophe Looming Over America’s Gulf Coast by Tristan Baurick in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Tristan Baurick’s lede is riveting and the story puts into words a matter of critical importance: the destruction that the human race is doing to this planet. Extremely well reported, with striking graphics, imagery and interviews. Bravo.
General Nonfiction
Winner: The Day the World Stops Shopping: How Ending Consumerism Saves the Environment and Ourselves by J.B. MacKinnon
An imaginatively conceived, vividly written and deeply researched book on a vital topic. J. B. MacKinnon translates complex material into a clear and harrowing portrait of the underside of our national pastime—shopping.
Honorable Mention: The End of Bias: A Beginning: The Science and Practice of Overcoming Unconscious Bias by Jessica Nordell
A thoughtful, wide-ranging exploration of the profound impact of multiple types of biases in our society. The book seamlessly integrates research with compelling, real-life situations. Utilizing a strong voice, Jessica Nordell offers concrete ways to address bias in oneself as well as in the larger society.
Honorable Mention: The State Must Provide: Why America’s Colleges Have Always Been Unequal—and How to Set Them Right by Adam Harris
With exceptionally strong and engaging writing, Adam Harris explodes the myth of equal opportunity in our college system. Deeply reported and researched, the book traces the historic trajectory of discrimination along with its often profound impact on individuals.
Winner: More Than Meets the Eye: Exploring Nature and Loss on the Coast of Maine by Margie Patlak
Margie Patlak delivered a consistently articulate and well-written book. The writing was strong and professional in clear and often poetic language. Words were well chosen and moving, placing the reader in the middle of the journey. Kudos to the author for such excellence.
Honorable Mention: Dear Senthuran: A Black Spirit Memoir by Akwaeke Emezi
This emotional and imaginative book was beautifully written, often lyrical. Akwaeke Emezi’s evocative language reinforced the memoir’s drama and personal angst.
Winner: The Approaching Storm: Roosevelt, Wilson, Addams, and Their Clash Over America’s Future by Neil Lanctot
Neil Lanctot vividly captures the struggles of the World War I era in the United States by tracking these three “influencers” with deeply complicated and divergent personalities. We’re especially impressed by Lanctot’s emphasis on colorful and plentiful quotes from people of the time, which allows history to speak for itself.
Winner: Wallet Activism: How to Use Every Dollar You Spend, Earn, and Save as a Force for Change by Tanja Hester
Tanja Hester offers a comprehensive resource that lays out all of the answers to questions people have about how to be an ethically responsible consumer. This book empowers the average person to think before they spend and offers insight into global and environmental issues. Unlike many other writings on the topic, this book addresses the environmental impact of our everyday decisions in a non-judgmental way and offers realistic ways for the average person to contribute to positive change and make a difference.
Winner: Conservation Canines: How Dogs Work for the Environment by Isabelle Groc
The book not only showcases the human-canine bond but also details the invaluable way in which dogs play a key and active role in conservation efforts. Through wonderful storytelling and beautiful photography, Isabelle Groc chronicles how the dogs’ sense of smell helps scientists, conservationists, ranchers and farmers solve some of our most urgent environmental problems.
Honorable Mention: Orca Rescue! The True Story of an Orphaned Orca Named Springer by Donna Sandstrom
This is a touching story about the journey to save an orca who was separated from her pod. Judges felt compelled by the through-story that made them care about Springer and the author, who became part of a community intent on saving the baby whale. Full of information about orcas and touching in its focus on Springer.
B2B Article
Winner: New Consumer Model May End Paper Towels for Good—and Help Restaurants by Vanessa McGrady for Dell Technologies’ Perspectives
The author provides an intriguing glimpse behind the scenes of the restaurant business. Using the specific example of linens, Vanessa McGrady explores a broader idea: the power to avoid excess by rethinking established systems for every aspect of our daily lives. Clearly written for a targeted audience, the tone and storytelling can capture any reader’s attention.
Honorable Mention: Checklist: How to Create Content About the COVID-19 Vaccine by Jessica Fleming for aha media
This piece stands out with crisp language, straightforward advice, and an engaging tone. Jessica Fleming provides actionable tips with admirable brevity, packing valuable information into a convenient guide.
B2C Article
Winner: How to Pack an Adventure ‘Go-Bag’ by Laura Killingbeck for the Adventure Cycling Association
We chose this article because of the unusual subject matter and the personal stories the author told while informing readers of the importance of a ‘go-bag.’ Laura Killingbeck told a story with a clear beginning and end, wrapping everything up nicely. She used engaging, quality writing to capture readers’ attention and teach them something new.
Winner: Feeling the Heat: The Fate of Nature Beyond 1.5°C of Global Warming by Isabelle Groc for WWF-UK
This piece was chosen for both the quality of Isabelle Groc’s words as well as the in-depth reporting involved. “Feeling the Heat” took one central vision of climate change and looked at it from all angles, from wildlife to humans to the environment. It told an emotional story that appeals to a wider audience.
2021 Winners
Article Awards open only to Members
Blog Post
Winner: Framed: Practicing Art, Love, and Creativity in My Home by Janice Lynch Schuster
“To me, every canvas is a novel,” writes Janice Lynch Schuster, who skillfully weaves vivid stories of how family members—especially her mother and grandmother—influenced her early foray into painting and sculpture, thereby creating a vibrant picture of the art on Schuster’s walls at home and in her heart.
Honorable Mention: Treading Between Coronavirus Worlds by Dulce Zamora
At the onset of the pandemic, Dulce Zamora and her family were “drowning in an ocean of coronavirus info” as American expats in Singapore. She elevates her riveting account of the experience with imagery and ultimately—despite the “waves of chaos”—hope.
Winner: Get Rich Selling Used Fashion Online—or Cry Trying by Alden Wicker, in Wired
With an engaging anecdotal lede, strong nut graf and nice kicker, this story is well-written with in-depth reporting. Using multiple sources, the story is full of facts and stats about Poshmark and its evolution while also weaving in the experiences of a Poshmark reseller.
Excellence in Reporting
Winner: Climate Change Turns the Tide on Waterfront Living by Jim Morrison, in The Washington Post Magazine
Jim Morrison’s important story highlights how discussions on the climate problem of rising tides must go beyond resilience to include retreat—and details all the implications for communities, government budgets and homeowners’ lives from pulling back from the waterfront. Morrison writes a compelling narrative on an issue many in U.S. coastal communities may eventually face, which lingers with readers long after.
First-Person Essay
Winner: Dead Weight by Claire O’Brien, in Hippocampus Magazine
Claire O’Brien’s deft slice-of-life essay gives readers a peek into a fascinating and difficult job: death investigator. It’s filled with human insight and just the right details; it moves at a fast pace through what could feel like tangents in less capable hands, but blends together into a seamless narrative here about suicide and its aftermath. This piece stays with readers and leaves us wanting the rest of the story, so it’s great to learn that it’s part of a larger project to come.
Honorable Mention: Sight and Insight by Liane Kupferberg Carter, in Longreads
Liane Kupferberg Carter has strabismus, also known as a lazy eye. Her essay flows through her life and depicts what living with this issue has been like: difficult, when she’s been bullied by both kids and adults; full of love, when she meets her husband and builds a life with him; and insightful, as the title states. Her writing covers her emotions, her pain, her love, and what she learns from it. To find out her insight, be sure to read it—the essay is worth it.
Winner: Adult Women Struggle With Eating Disorders, Too. Here’s Why Treatment Looks Different by Beth Howard, in Prevention
Beth Howard explores an infrequently discussed fact: Eating disorders are surprisingly common among women in middle age. Howard’s reporting includes the perspectives of experts, delves into research on the topic, and shares the thoughts of women recovering from eating disorders. When considered in the context of so many women losing work, becoming responsible for at-home school, and all the other stresses of 2020, Howard’s piece is particularly interesting and poignant.
Winner: Talking to Kids about Race, by Heather Greenwood Davis, in National Geographic
This story is not only an important topic, but timely, well-reported and beautifully and sensitively written, including specific examples and serviceable how-to advice for parents.
Winner: The Case of the Autographed Corpse by Jack El-Hai, for Smithsonian Magazine
Jack El-Hai’s story of how the author of the Perry Mason series came to the defense of an Apache shaman wrongfully convicted of murder is gripping, beautifully researched and written, unfolding like the true crime mysteries we love. One jurist said, “I liked it because it combines history with prevalent issues like race, culture and social justice.” Jack’s subject would make a great screen play or documentary.
Long-Form Content
Winner: A Legacy of Endless Limbo, by Lauren Martin, in Temporary
Lauren Martin’s beautifully woven narrative—one that paints individual portraits of “faceless people”—maintains a delicate balance with her in-depth exploration of the multiple layers of politics behind the immigration crisis, the public fear and ultimately, the endless state of limbo. Martin humanizes the experiences of her subjects, defying readers’ assumptions. The story reached great dimensions and depth in physical effort, that sense of limbo, hope breaking through fear. We’re gripped by Martin’s expertise in allowing us to feel the crisis. From there, we try to grasp the “why.”
Profile Articles
Winner: Liminal Spaces by Zachary Petit, in Writer’s Digest
Zachary Petit’s profile of Erik Larson grabs the reader with an engaging lede. The whole article is organized around a single question that pulls you through as he reaches for answers. Petit uses a style that mirrors Erik Larson’s own—thorough and vivid, with precise, strong language—tightly woven and deliberately written. The piece is immersive and evocative: You feel like you’re right there with Larson.
Honorable Mention: This Bird Survived Because She Never Quit by John Moir, in Audubon Magazine
John Moir brings his subject sympathetically to life from the opening paragraph. The story is deeply researched and developed, with authoritative sources and revealing, telling details. We have an animated and absorbing portrait of a modest yet dedicated scientist still contributing to her profession at age 90.
Reported Essay
Winner: Your ‘Surge Capacity’ is Depleted—It’s Why You Feel Awful by Tara Haelle, in Elemental
The pandemic was personal, and Tara Haelle elevated the reported essay form by illuminating deeper currents of human resilience and response to what most of us encountered for the first time. Strong reporting married a transparent and compassionate point of view to propel this reported essay to the top spot as the clear winner.
Winner: The Butterfly and the Blaze by Matthew LaPlante and Jacob Stuivenvolt Allen, in Eugene Weekly
This story is so skillfully put together, with a compelling narrative that conveys a complicated scientific topic that has significant implications as we move deeper into the climate crisis.
Winner: Collision, by Bhavya Dore, in FiftyTwo
Bhavya Dore has skillfully crafted a compelling narrative that kept judges engaged from beginning to end. Dore incorporates highly technical information into the story line without
dimming the impact of the primary theme—a breakdown in communications that triggered the airliner crash. Dore clearly illustrated the complications of different spoken languages with technology—and how technology can help overcome those complications.
Winner: How Manipulating Rodent Memories Can Elucidate Neurological Function by Amber Dance, in TheScientist
This is a stunner of a feature, expertly crafted. Amber Dance draws the reader in with excellent storytelling while simultaneously educating them, explaining some complex science in language simple enough for lay people to understand. While a specialized topic, we found it to be an accessible, enlightening and fascinating read.
Winner: Sunrise Kingdom by Meg Lukens Noonan, in Coastal Living
Meg Lukens Noonan takes a commonplace destination—the state of Rhode Island—and turns it into a magical land, where rabbits stand at attention and the sea air lends flavor to the stuffed clams. She captivates her readers by weaving the tone of an obscure Wes Anderson film into her visit to the southern New England shore, blending firsthand experience, personal profiles, and local lore to reveal the mystique of the seaside culture.
Article Awards open to the public
Fitness & Sports
Winner: The Surprising Role Sports Played in Women’s Suffrage by Haley Shapley, in Teen Vogue
Haley Shapley’s well-researched and well-written story is rich with details that brought the characters to life—a potentially difficult task, given that the events are long past and the principals now deceased. It is particularly timely, given the current intertwining of athletics (both male and female) and activism.
Food & Drink
Winner: Asafoetida’s Lingering Legacy Goes Beyond Aroma, by Vidya Balachander, in Whetstone Magazine
This is a beautifully written piece exploring the spice. The writer strikes an intriguing balance between her personal experience and history, anthropology and politics. A fantastic piece combining in-depth research and skillful writing.
Winner: Why It’s Important to Push Back on ‘Plandemic’—And How to Do It by Tara Haelle, in Forbes.com
Tara Haelle’s deep dive into the big issue of coronavirus disinformation is comprehensive and compelling, a thoughtful guide for thinking people whose Facebook friends got suckered in. It’s a smart piece that touches on a fresh, new concept and terminology that is a pervasive part of our lives. Like any stellar op-ed, it ticks the “So What?” and “Why Should I Care?” boxes in a deft and engaging way.
The Arlene Award for an Article That Made A Differenc
The Arlenes: Articles That Make a Difference
Winner: We Need to Talk About What Coronavirus Recoveries Look Like by Fiona Lowenstein, in The New York Times
Fiona Lowenstein, a 26-year-old freelance writer and COVID-survivor, wrote this op-ed about the long-term implications of the novel virus, which inspired the formation of one of the first COVID-patient support groups, now 18,000 members strong. Members formed an internationally recognized patient-led research group that meets regularly with the CDC and has helped author its website pages on long-term COVID effects. They have testified to the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health and co-authored a letter to Congress that resulted in an allocation of $1.15 billion in funding for NIH research into long-term COVID effects. Ed Yong, influential health and science reporter for The Atlantic, wrote that the article had “seismic impact.”
The Donald Robinson Memorial Award for Investigative Journalism
Winner: “It’s a national tragedy”: What a Devastating Covid-19 Outbreak at a California Slaughterhouse Reveals About the Federal Government’s Failed Pandemic Response by Nick Roberts and Rosa Amanda Tuiran, in The Counter
More than a gotcha story about a single meatpacking plant, this piece takes a broader look at how the system to protect workers—in meatpacking plants or otherwise—is broken. It succeeds by painting a nuanced picture, demonstrating how both the company and the government fell short.
Book Awards
Winner: The Unanswered Letter: One Holocaust Family’s Desperate Plea for Help by Faris Cassell
This beautifully written book, the product of many years of research, skillfully combines history and biography, using the stories of particular individuals to illuminate a tragic and pivotal era of history in Germany, Austria and the United States. In addition to penetrating insights into deep moral and emotional questions, it offers new information on an aspect of Holocaust history in both Europe and the United States that has received little attention and may surprise many Americans. Beyond all that, it is a gripping read.
Children (Book)
Winner: Sea Otters, A Survival Story by Isabelle Groc
This engaging and informative book for middle grade readers details sea otters’ lives and their impact on the ecosystem and makes the reader care about these creatures and their future. Sidebars about scientists in the field provide more information about the science of the ecosystem and may serve to encourage future marine scientists.
Honorable Mention: Strange Sea Creatures by Erich Hoyt
Erich Hoyt engages his readers with fascinating, well-researched facts about sea creatures of all sizes, from the surface to the sea bottom and everywhere in between. Each entry is a writing gem, and the stunning photography is a welcome bonus.
General Nonfiction (Book)
Winner: Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor
The masterful combination of storytelling and research, written in a consistently readable style, whether when relating individuals’ stories or explaining scientists’ work, draws the reader into the author’s own ten-year journey to restorative breathing. James Nestor, while going through a rough patch, followed the recommendation of his doctor to attend a class on Sudarshan Kriya, a rhythmic breathing technique invented by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in the 1980s. Any initial skeptical response to the narrative turns into thinking about how to apply this knowledge about how to breathe as our ancestors did.
Winner: Memorial Drive: A Daughter’s Memoir by Natasha Trethewey
A haunting and compelling story, beautifully written, with a poet’s attention to words. From the author’s intimate, personal voice we are made to feel all that she experiences and journey with her through pain, loss, grief and resilience.
Service (Book)
Winner: Attainable Sustainable: The Lost Art of Self-Reliant Living by Kris Bordessa
In clear, down-to-earth language, Kris Bordessa delivers a timely and beautiful book that offers a lifetime of guidance on how to be more self-sufficient for reasons of health, satisfaction and happiness. Attainable Sustainable offers a solid foundation for practicing the necessary skills and crafts or just the ability to dabble among dozens of how-to topics. The book’s presentation and photographs are gorgeous, thanks to publisher National Geographic, but Attainable Sustainable is far more than a pretty facade. It’s practical and sensible, which is exactly what a stellar service book should be.
Crisis Coverage Awards – 2021
The ASJA Crisis Coverage Awards: COVID-19 Edition marked the first-ever awards program recognizing writers for their coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Writers were invited to submit English-language articles published between January 1 and June 30, 2020. ASJA teams of leading journalists judged submissions based on quality of writing and reporting and whether new information was provided or a familiar concept was given a fresh perspective.
Winners received cash prizes, and a portion of all entry fees were contributed to ASJA’s Writers Emergency Assistance Fund.
Business & Economy
“Costco is Thriving During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Its Workers Say They’ve Paid the Price,” by Brianna Sacks and Ryan Mac, for Buzzfeed.
Judges said: “Costco was one of a select few big corporations to emerge from the early months of the COVID-19 crisis with a good reputation for what it was doing to protect workers and customers alike. Make that, what we all thought Costco was doing. While other excellent entries in this category did bring out overlooked facets of this unusual time period—it was a tough field—the deep reporting here overturned what had become conventional wisdom.”
“Imagine Online School in a Language You Don’t Understand” by Rikha Sharma Rani, for the Fuller Project and The New York Times.
Judges said: “Virtual schooling can be difficult for all children, but those whose first language is not English face unique challenges. This article addresses those obstacles through superb reporting and excellent storytelling. This well-written article provides meaningful examples of real-life issues.”
“State Policies May Send People with Disabilities to the Back of the Line for Ventilators,” by Liz Essley Whyte, for the Center for Public Integrity.
Judges said: “In a fleet of fantastic articles, this early April story stood out as exemplifying public service journalism at its best, shedding much-needed light on the threat to a vulnerable and marginalized population in a time of crisis. Whyte’s piece featured incomparably deep reporting across all 50 states.”
Honorable mention:
“Russia’s Healthcare System Faced Cuts for Years. Now Medical Students Are on the Coronavirus Frontlines,” by Evan Gershkovich and Pjotr Sauer, for The Moscow Times.
Judges said: “This compelling and expertly written piece, which ran in April, demonstrated how historical systemic challenges can exacerbate emergencies and provide an essential reminder that COVID-19 is truly a global crisis with wide-ranging healthcare impacts.”
Mental Health
“The Biggest Psychological Experiment in History is Running Now,” by Lydia Denworth, for Scientific American.
Judges said: “The article looks at the pandemic from two perspectives, big picture and ground level, and the many personal stories make the topic come alive. It is well reported and incredibly written. Denworth touches on almost every psychological aspect of the virus and leaves you wondering how we will fare in the end.”
Personal Essay
“Poetry in the Time of Coronavirus,” by Anndee Hochman, for Broad Street Review.
Judges said: “This piece is the epitome of the personal essay: something so grounded in the particulars of individual experience that it becomes universal. In terms of the COVID-19 experience, it exquisitely captures a specific transitional moment—in fact, the pivot from then to now—with grace and poignancy.”
Honorable mentions:
“Just This Breath,” by Heather Sellers, for The Sun.
Judges said: “When the disease itself is her metaphor, the writer can’t fail to convince us. This is heroic narrative for an indelibly personal sense of life and death in the era of COVID-19.”
“Under Lockdown in Italy’s Coronavirus Quarantine Zone,” by Kenneth R. Rosen, for The New Yorker.
Judges said: “Rosen’s piece is beautifully written. We follow the author’s father-in-law visiting around town and after much exposure coming home and reaching out to touch his grandchild–and the anger that follows when that is not okay with the parents.”
Politics & Government
“Preparedness Spending Exploded After 9/11. Is That Helping Now?” by Michael Schulson, for Undark.
Judges said: “Deep and wide-ranging reporting combined with clear writing made this piece the standout among the dozens of excellent stories we reviewed. This story showed how the U.S. failed to capitalize on the public health improvements made in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, creating gaps that have exacerbated the heavy toll of COVID-19.”
“Coronavirus May Be A Blood Vessel Disease, Which Explains Everything,” by Dana G. Smith, for Elemental.
Judges said: “The piece covered several extremely complex topics but was still clear and easy to read, with strong writing backed by rigorous research. Because of the incredible quality of writing that’s come out of this crisis, judges had a difficult time picking a winner.”
Social Adaptation
“Processing Grief When Nothing is Normal,” by Elizabeth Yuko, for Rolling Stone.
Judges said: “Of all the bewildering, heartbreaking things we’ve all dealt with during the pandemic, the loss of loved ones, and so many strangers, has been the most crushing. Elizabeth Yuko’s words are a much-needed reminder that there are ways to deal with even this grief, and that whatever complicated feelings we’re having, it’s normal during this most abnormal time. It’s a well-written piece on a strong subject with deep reporting.”
“Tests to Detect Coronavirus on Surfaces Show Mixed Results,” by Lina Zeldovich, for Undark.
Judges said: “This article wove narrative storytelling and thorough reporting, resulting in an interesting and important piece with a high facts-to-fluff ratio. Zeldovich went deep on a topic that concerns us all—how to prevent further COVID-19 infections—and made it accessible to both patients and professionals. The reporting and writing cut through the noise to provide an informative piece of journalism at a time when such work is more urgent than ever.”
2020 Winners
Article Awards open only to Members
Blog Post/Personal: “The Emotional Debris from An Abusive Father” by Margie Goldsmith in CoveyClub.com. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Goldsmith’s moving personal recollection hits the right tone about a disturbing topic. She brings us on her journey, showing us how she found mercy along with a new inner strength. Graceful writing and memorable commentary.
Business/Marketing: “How Sovereign Citizens Helped Swindle $1 Billion From the Government They Disavow” by Ashley Powers in The New York Times. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: This story kicks off with an attention-grabbing conspiracy element, then plunges into a fraud that’s robbing taxpayers and exploiting the vulnerable, all woven together with deep reporting and laudable storytelling.
Honorable mention: “How Origami is Revolutionizing Industrial Design,” by Jim Morrison in SmithsonianMag.com. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Who knew that origami is used to solve for design challenges in medicine, homeland security and even space exploration? This is a fascinating story, well told.
Excellence in Reporting: Shot in the Dark by Laura Beil in Texas Monthly. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Beil mixes compelling anecdotes with strong data to show that much of stem cell treatment is untested or not approved, and many unsuspecting people are duped and harmed by its promoters.
First Person Essays: “Still Life with Dick Van Dyke” by Marian Sandmaier in The Pennsylvania Gazette.WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Sandmaier lets us share nervousness as she, 24 and a new, rather hesitant journalist, quakes before interviewing Dick Van Dyke, then at the height of his fame, only to discover that Van Dyke was the shyer of the two.
Health Articles: “When Measles Arrives: Breaking Down the Anatomy of Containment” by Apoorva Mandavilli in Spectrum. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Truly excellent reporting and graceful writing combine in this timely story about being prepared for epidemics. Mandavilli delves into the shortcomings and vulnerabilities in our government public health agencies, and the critical importance of rapid response.
Honorable mention: “Our Skulls Are Out Evolving Us and That Could Mean A Public Health Crisis” by Katherine Lewis in onezero.medium.com.
WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: This gripping story introduces readers to an improbable collection of scientists from different disciplines who have joined forces to develop pediatric recommendations and protocols for a new problem.
How-to Articles: “How to Teach Consent to Boys — Without Shaming Them” by Jennifer Fink in YourTeenMag.com. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: This thoughtful, thought-provoking article approaches #MeToo-related concerns from a unique perspective: Jennifer Fink sensitively but honestly shares an experience from her own son’s life to shed light on why the attitude that “boys will be boys” can no longer be tolerated at any age.
Honorable mention: “How to Bullyproof Your Child” by Estelle Erasmus in The New York Times. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Using what happened to her child and herself many years before, Erasmus finds a method that not only disarms bullies but helps children become independent thinkers, capable of tackling problems by themselves.
The June Roth Memorial Award for an Outstanding Medical Article: “Bite Marks” by Bobbi Dempsey in Harper’s Magazine. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Each praised the taut, powerful writing; the strong use of pertinent data to advance the narrative; and the importance of covering a widespread and largely overlooked problem in America.
Lifestyle Articles: “The Survival of Japan’s Music Rests on Artificial Ivory” by Rachel Nuwer in BBC Future. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: There can be more to a conflict than meets the eye. Rachel Nuwer’s comprehensive, compelling article shows us how the use of ivory in traditional Japanese instruments puts the preservation of cultural traditions at odds with preservation of endangered wildlife, and how musicians and scientists are responding to the dilemma.
Honorable mention: “Secret Life of a Mermaid” by Maureen O’Hagan in Narratively. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Cleverly written and fast-paced, “Secret Life of a Mermaid” brings to life a culture alien to most of us while reminding us that the human need to be accepted is universal.
Profile Articles: “Randy Rainbow’s Witty World” by Margaret Engel in The Washington Post Magazine. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: This impeccably written piece does everything a good profile should: it tells the story of Randy Rainbow, flowing seamlessly between past and present, while also illuminating why the reader should care (even if they’ve never heard of him) and where he fits in the greater contexts of society, entertainment, and politics. Hands down the best writing of all the entries.
Reported Essays: “How can I wean my children off their new habit of playing ‘musical beds’?” by Sarika Chawla in The Washington Post.WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Chawla’s outstanding essay insightfully blends research about the parental practice of bed-sharing alongside her own personal experiences and insight.
Honorable mention: “The silver Christmas tree, an icon of Space Age kitsch, turns 60” by Kate Silver in The Washington Post. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Silver’s musings about the Evergleam, a now-collectible aluminum tree her grandfather had a hand in creating, charmed the judges with its combination of personal storytelling, history, and nostalgia.
Science: “A Significant Problem” by Lydia Denworth in Scientific American. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: The issue of p values and p hacking to the integrity of scientific research is neither sexy nor fun, but Denworth’s article makes it approachable and understandable. We think it should be required reading for young researchers and graduate students.
Technology: “Social Media Has Not Destroyed a Generation” by Lydia Denworth
Trade: “Opioid Crisis Spurs New Strategies for Cancer Pain” by Darcy Lewis in OncLive.com. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Lewis smartly describes how care professionals, insurers and pharmacists have changed treatment of cancer pain in light of the opioid crisis. She backs fact with numbers, but never gets bogged down in the appalling statistics of the national tragedy.
Travel: “How Palermo Became a Host to African Refugees” by Ashley Powers writing in Airbnb Magazine. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Ashley Powers’ well-crafted article evokes Palermo’s multicultural past as it speaks of present-day young refugees striving for a better life.
Honorable mention: “The Risky Fame of a Rare Island Wildcat” by Rachel Nuwer in Hakai Magazine. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: In her even-handed and beautifully written article, Rachel Nuwer explores the complicated cultural and economic relationships that develop when a rare species creates a growing tourism industry on a once-isolated island.
Article Awards open to the public
Fitness & Sports: “Women Deserve to Run Without Fear” by Christine Yu in Runner’s World. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: It’s a well-written and necessary piece, addressing an important topic with good details and quotes.
Food & Drink: “Please Don’t Call This Cultured Nugget ‘Lab Meat” by Jenny Splitter in Popular Mechanics. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: The judges loved that this story took complicated science and put it in a readable format for people without that specialized knowledge. It also explored a new, unique topic, and did it in an engaging and informative way.
Opinion/Op-Eds: “Chernobyl, the HBO miniseries: Fact and Fiction” by Robert Peter Gale in The Cancer Letter. Nominated by Katie Goldberg. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Gale’s series is fortified by his firsthand experience with one of mankind’s worst calamities. He provides unsparing detail, outstanding insight, and intense perspective as he sorts fact from fiction as presented by HBO’s 2019 miniseries.
The Arlene Award for an Article That Made A Difference: “How Japan Undermines Efforts to Stop the Illegal Ivory Trade” by Rachel Nuwer in National Geographic. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Nuwer’s story was a well-reported and compelling account of how Japan enabled the global ivory trade as a result of lax regulations. In response to her article, Japan tightened its oversight and Yahoo! Japan, the country’s largest on-line ivory retailer, agreed to stop carrying ivory listings on its platform.
The Donald Robinson Memorial Award for Investigative Journalism: “Worse Than a Death Sentence” by Rohini Mohan in Type Investigations/Vice News. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: The article sheds light on India’s opaque Foreigners Tribunals through which millions of Muslim residents are being stripped of Indian citizenship. Using excellent investigative methods, including getting previously unreleased documents from some courts, Mohan produced important work on a crucial topic.
Book Awards
Biography/History Books: “The Lost Brothers“ by Jack El-Hai, University of Minnesota Press. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Jack El-Hai’s The Lost Brothers reads like a fast-paced thriller as it explores the history of the mystifying disappearance of three young Minneapolis boys in 1951. El-Hai brings to life in vivid detail the boys and their family, as well as the law enforcement personnel who tried for years to solve this baffling case. Top-notch story telling.
Honorable Mention: “Battle for the Marble Palace: Abe Fortas, Earl Warren, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon and the Forging of the Modern Supreme Court“ by Michael Bobelian, Schaffner Press. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Michael Bobelian tells the stories of Supreme Court nominations since 1964, and how each has shaped the court and our nation. Not an easy topic, but his splendid research and clear writing make this book an easy read.
Children’s Books/Young Adult Books: “Enemy Child, the Story of Norman Mineta, a Boy Imprisoned in a Japanese American Internment Camp During World War II“ by Andrea Warren, published by Holiday House. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Warren tells the story of how the United States wronged its own citizens during World War II. She weaves grim details of camp life with the matter-of-fact, glass-half-full memories of this decorated veteran, senator and Secretary of Transportation. The book doesn’t preach, but Warren makes it clear this injustice should never be repeated.
Honorable Mention: “Eclipse Chaser, Science in the Moon’s Shadow“ by Ilima Loomis, published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Likely to inspire a new generation of eclipse-chasers, Loomis’ book shares the excitement of Shadia Habbal, an eclipse chaser, during her study of the 2017 solar eclipse. Informative sidebars explain the science as the narrative unfolds.
General Non-Fiction Books: “Bottle of Lies: the Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom” by Katherine Eban, Harper Collins. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: This brilliantly reported, beautifully written book tells how our health is compromised for profit. Bottle of Lies is as important for our times as Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring was for hers. Eban has produced a work of monumental value.
Memoir/Autobiography Books: “Your Heart, My Hands: An Immigrant’s Remarkable Journey to Become One of America’s Preeminent Cardiac Surgeons” by Arun K. Singh, MD, with John Hanc, published by Center Street. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: This hard-to-put-down book is a modern immigrant’s tale, wonderfully told.
Service/Self-Help Books: “Sex After Grief: Navigating Your Sexuality After Losing Your Beloved“ by Joan Price, Mango Publishing Group. WHAT THE JUDGES SAID: Although the book is for a particular set of people, there’s wisdom in it for anyone who has ever grappled with grief or with not feeling like a sexual being. The writing is clear, concise, and yet also comforting.
2019 Winners
Article Awards open only to Members
June Roth Memorial Award for an Outstanding Medical Article: “A Surgeon So Bad It Was Criminal” by Laura Beil, writing in ProPublica. The judges said “Step by horrifying step, Beil’s extensive reporting shows us an incompetent neurosurgeon and the colleagues and hospitals that knew of mangled and dead patients, yet did nothing because neurosurgery is a huge ‘profit center.’”
Outstanding Blog Post: “Pittsburgh: Never Again? Just Words” by Eugene Meyer, which appeared in the blog bearing his name. The judges said “We liked how Meyer thoughtfully compared past pogroms to the Tree of Life synagogue shooting. Structurally, the post was concise, and each element flowed naturally to the next.”
Outstanding Business Article: “The Factory That Oreos Built” by Katherine Martinelli, published in Smithsonian Magazine. The judges said “This is a mouth-watering story about the history and questionable future of New York City’s Oreo factory turned Google complex. The article richly describes how the building morphed into a tech hub that preservationists fear may harm the neighborhood.”
Excellence in Reporting Article: “Waste Land, Promised Land, Refugee farmers replant hope in post-hurricane Houston” by Kimberly Meyer, writing in Orion Magazine. The judges said “Our winning story reads more like a novel than what it is: a deep look at a community gardening program for refugees. The writing is crisp, descriptive, compelling. (Make this into a book, Kim Meyers!)
Honorable Mention: “On The Other Side” by Ann Babe, writing in The California Sunday Magazine. The judges said “This robust narrative starts as many like it have done: we see a teenager and her mother flee North Korea and build new lives. But, no happy ending here. Babe shows us that the deprivation scars within a person never heal.”
Outstanding Personal Essay: “Your Leaving” by Laura Laing, published in Consequence: An International Literary Magazine Focusing on the Culture of War. The judges said “Laing’s essay, which was always descriptive and at times, downright lyrical, tackles how their relationship altered when her partner was deployed to a combat region.”
Honorable Mention: “The Reality of Empty Arms, a Father on the Grief of Stillbirth” by Todd Pitock, published in Noted. The judges said “With beautifully detailed, evocative writing, Pitock’s essay helps us understand the immediate pain of a stillbirth, and also the longing that persists even after much time has passed.”
Outstanding Health Article: “Inside the Power Clinics” by Maya Kroth, appearing in Medium. The judges said “From the opening anecdote to the final poignant point, Kroth spotlights a politically charged health issue, anti-abortion clinics hiding in plain sight. The included legal information widens the article’s reach.”
Honorable Mention: “Transgender College Students’ Health Care is Far From Guaranteed” by Donna Jackel, writing in The Progressive. The judges said “Using geographically broad sources and a compelling mix of real people and experts, Jackel gives a concise, dramatic overview of the legal travails these students face.”
Outstanding How-To Article: “Couponing for a Cause” by Laura Daily, appearing in the TheWashington Post. The judges said: “Daily’s clear writing and reporting puts a fresh, surprising spin on an overdone and unremarkable subject. Many readers will undoubtedly be moved to action.”
Outstanding Lifestyle Article: “Arab and Coming Out in Art That Speaks Up” by Michael T. Luongo, appearing in The New York Times. The judges said “In his eye-opening story about the growing number of Arab LGBT artists incorporating sexual identity in their work, Luongo’s well-chosen interviews lend historical perspective on discrimination and a nuanced look at the very human issues involved.“
Outstanding Profile Article: “The Rigors of Success” by Julia M. Klein, appearing in The Pennsylvania Gazette. The judges said “Klein’s elegant, fast-paced story illustrates everything a profile should be. She provides a nuanced portrait while simultaneously providing the complex context. This was the unanimous choice of six judges.”
Outstanding Reported Essay: “What Are We Doing Here? Drought, Dread, and Family in the American Southwest” by Cally Carswell, writing in High Country News. The judges said “Carswell’s stellar reported essay is a skillful synthesis of personal memoir and environmental reporting. It’s braided with rich details and told in compelling language.”
Outstanding Science or Technology Article: “Clicks, Lies and Videotape” by Brooke Borel, writing in Scientific American. The judges said “Borel wades into a complicated, fast-moving topic, the intersection of artificial intelligence and how using it may violate privacy and erode public trust. This comprehensive look at the tech involved is a must-read.”
Outstanding Trade Article: “Fighters: Veterinary Professionals Face Unique Challenges While Undergoing Cancer Treatments” by Jen Reeder, writing in Trends Magazine. The judges said: “Reeder’s story thoroughly explores an unresolved struggle, giving us important information in a succinct and engaging way.”
Travel: “In Chad, the Elephants (So Many Elephants) Are Back” by Rachel Love Nuwer, writing in The New York Times. The judges said “Nuwer’s beautifully paced narrative strikes a balance between first-person travel experience and insightful reporting on a little-known country that may well become a destination site.”
Honorable Mention: “Cold Comfort” by Todd Pitock, appearing in the Saturday Evening Post. The judges said “We were all drawn to the lovely storytelling and detailed reporting within Pitock’s piece. Only exceptional writing can make a story about an ice hotel soar.”
Article Awards open to the public
The Arlene Eisenberg Award for an Article that made a difference: “A Star Surgeon Left a Trail of Dead Patients — and his Whistleblowers Are Punished” by Eve Herold, appearing in Leapsmag.com. The judges said “Harold’s story reveals a new aspect of a medical fraud that’s had lots of press: how blatantly now-fired scientists worked at killing the careers and grant hopes of four truth-telling young doctors. The article is helping right that wrong.”
The Donald Robinson Prize for Investigative Journalism: “Dog Fight: Dog rescuers, flush with donations, buy animals from the breeders they scorn” by Kim Kavin, appearing in The Washington Post. The judges said “This exhaustively researched article turned a powerful light on what everyone assumed was a good deed — until Kavin showed us that it isn’t. The story is an example of the very best investigative journalism.”
Outstanding Fitness & Sports Article: “Saudi Women Will Run the Kingdom” by Michelle Hamilton, appearing in Runner’s World. The judges said “Hamilton combines fitness with the ways social change affects all sports and especially, Saudi women runners. Her easy-going style draws you in and the unexpected social commentary keeps you reading.”
Outstanding Food & Drink Article winner: “Black Nightshade and the Bierocks, Connecting to my Volga German ancestors through recipes” by Heather Arndt Anderson, writing in The Oregon Humanities Magazine. The judges said “this beautifully written, engaging piece explores a hidden culinary history of Portland, Oregon. The writer strikes a fine balance between her personal story and historical fact.”
Honorable Mention: “Black Gold from Tank to Table” by Andrea Cooper, writing in Roads & Kingdoms and reprinted in The Guardian. The judges said “Cooper’s story about caviar, and especially North Carolina caviar, offers intelligent, comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in providing and marketing the food of kings.”
Outstanding Opinion/Op Ed Article: “Anti-Vaccine Activists Have Taken Vaccine Science Hostage” by Melinda Wenner Moyer, published in The New York Times Sunday opinion section. The judges said “Moyer argues that scientists should not self-censor because they fear that unexpected or controversial results will rouse the anti-vaxxers. Her command of the subject is deep and impressive.”
Book Awards
Book Awards Open to the Public
The Arlene Eisenberg Award for a Book That Made a Difference: “The Dog Merchants: Inside the Big Business of Breeders, Pet Stores, and Rescuers” by Kim Kavin, published by Pegasus Books. The judges said “Man’s best friend couldn’t have a better advocate than Kim Kavin. The Dog Merchants is a disturbing, definitive exploration of mass production dog breeding and selling, and Kavin braved death threats to produce it. Her book has inspired revisions in both state and federal laws, plus a host of other changes.
Book Awards Open to ASJA Members
The June Roth Memorial Award for an Outstanding Medical Book: “The Informed Parent, A Science-based Resource for your Child’s First Four Years” by Tara Haelle and Emily Willingham, PhD., published by TeacherPerigree, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. The judges said “Women contemplating pregnancy and mothers — even experienced ones — will find The Informed Parent authoritative and reassuring. The format is accessible and the research base is solid and easy to verify.”
Outstanding Biography/History book: “Five for Freedom: The African American Soldiers in John Brown’s Army“ by Eugene L. Meyer, published by the Chicago Review Press. The judges said “Meyer’s impressive research turned up never-before-revealed stories about five African American men whom history has ignored — until now. Interviews with some of the men’s descendents is an unusual and welcome addition.”
Outstanding Children/Young Adult Nonfiction book: “Vaccination Investigation: the History and Science of Vaccines” by Tara Haelle, published by the Lerner Publishing Group, Inc. The judges said “Weaving together science and history, Haelle offers an engaging, thoughtful exploration of an essential medical treatment. She aptly explains this complicated subject for middle and high school students.”
Outstanding General Nonfiction book: “Poached: Inside the Dark World of Wildlife Trafficking” by Rachel Love Nuwer, published by Da Capo Press. The judges said “Nuwer’s first-hand accounts of animal cruelty are riveting, heart-breaking and at times, stomach-turning. There is nothing more powerful than ‘I was there. This is what I heard and saw.’” (Also, we’re glad she didn’t get herself killed!)
Honorable Mention: “The Good News About Bad Behavior: Why Kids are Less Disciplined Than Ever — And What To Do About It” by Katherine Reynolds Lewis, published by PublicAffairs, an imprint of the Hachette Book Group. The judges said “All parents want to teach their children how to become responsible adults, but some days, you just want a way to get them into bed on time. Lewis’s book offers tested advice on how to do both.”
Outstanding Memoir/Autobiography book: “Let Your Mind Run: A memoir of thinking my way to victory“ by Deena Kastor with Michelle Hamilton, published by Crown Archetype, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. The judges said “the book weaves together reflection and reality in a fresh, compelling narrative arc. We see the author’s growth during the course of her journey.”
Outstanding Service/Self-help book: “The Byline Bible: Get Published in Five Weeks“ by Susan Shapiro, published by Writer’s Digest Books. The judges said “Have Shapiro’s book on your shelf for times when your creativity needs a jolt. It’s clear, direct, and filled with information for many types and levels of writers.”
2018 Winners
Article Awards open only to Members
Blog Post/Personal: “A Better Excuse than ‘The Dog Ate My Homework’” by Martin Hirsch. Judges said “We found the post empathetic, well-constructed and entertaining — a great example of the very thing that drives readers to invest their time reading stranger’s blogs.”
Business/Technology/Science: “The Blood of the Crab” by Caren Chesler, writing in Popular Mechanics. Judges said “A multi-layered story line and a beautiful, precise narrative about the use of horseshoe crab blood in medicine made Chesler’s story stand out, despite the high caliber of entres.”
Honorable Mention: “The Uncertain Future of Puffin for Dinner” by Cheryl Katz, published in Hakai Magazine. “Katz’s lovely writing combined lively interviews, Icelandic history and the island’s uncertain future due to climate challenges.”
Excellence in Reporting: “Journey to Gunland” by Melinda Wenner Moyer, writing in Scientific American. Judges said “Moyer engaged deeply with varied sources, and her writing style was engaging and clear. Truly an excellent piece of writing.”
Honorable Mention: “Protecting Negative Heritage in Rwanda” by JoAnn Greco, published in The Pennslyvania Gazette. Judges said “Greco helped us see the idea of heritage in a new way through her engaging storytelling and reporting.”
First Person Experience Article or Essay: “Drinking Chai to Savannah: Reflections on Identity, Inclusion and Power in the South” by Anjali Enjeti, writing in Longreads. Judges said “Enjeti recalls a traumatic racist incident she experienced as a teen. Her command of language, imagery, characterization and pacing allows us to feel her ambivalence about her homeland and her terror when she faces everyday racism in America.”
Health and Fitness: “When drinkers suffer liver disease, should getting a transplant be so hard?” by Alexandra Fleming, published in The Washington Post. Judges said “Fleming’s article does an outstanding job of framing an issue that is only going to intensify. We are impressed by the number of voices she incorporated.”
Honorable Mention: “How Anti-Choice Lawmakers Are Getting Around Roe v. Wade” by Sarika Chawla, published in Vice Tonic. Judges said “We are impressed by the article’s social relevance and immediacy. She did a wonderful job of pulling in diverse and relevant statistics and untangling the horribly confusing web of state laws.”
How-to Article: “College Advice I Wish I’d Taken” by Susan Shapiro, writing in The New York Times. Judges said “This piece isn’t a list of recommendations so much as it is an honest, intimate look at her younger self. The down-to-earth language and humorous tone will engage everyone.”
Honorable Mention: “The Special Bond of Older Dogs and Older Owners: Money-saving ‘Seniors for Seniors’ pet adoption programs are gaining popularity” by Jen Reeder, published in PBS’s Next Avenue.org. “Great research, tightly written, and relevant to all animal lovers and those in the nonprofit world.”
June Roth Award for a Medical Article: “Deserted” by Melinda Wenner Moyer, published in Women’s Health. Judges said “Moyer’s beautifully written and deeply reported investigation exposes a little known public health threat: how the nationwide shortage of dermatologists can delay a diagnosis of melanoma. It clearly explains how economic forces affect access to care.”
Honorable Mention: “After the ICU” by Kenneth Miller, writing in Prevention. Judges said “Miller masterfully crafted a piece illuminating a little-known threat: what you can catch in an ICU. He poignantly tells of his own father, who slipped into “ICU psychosis,” a condition that can lead to permanent impairment.”
Lifestyle: “A Japanese Baseball Tour: The Healing Power of Baseball in Japan” by Todd Pitock, published in Travel & Leisure Magazine. Judges said “‘Baseball in Japan’ is a comprehensive tale that masterfully captures the pleasure and passion the Japanese have for their national sport. It smoothly interweaves travel notes with historical perspective.”
Honorable Mention: “Quest for Gray Ghost: Tracking the Snow Leopard in Ladakh” by Jill Robinson, writing in The San Francisco Chronicle. Judges said “Robinson combines a compelling travel story with vivid description. Her story is well-constructed, beautifully written and has a great ending.”
Opinion/Op-Ed: “The Wealthy Are Poised for the End of the World” by Lara Kristen Herndon, writing in CommonEdge.org. Judges said “Smart, insightful and sprinkled with clever turns of phrase, this story explores a fascinating, relatively uncovered topic and shatters the image of “preppers” as camo-wearing guys in rural America.”
Honorable Mention: A Kindness While Dying by John Moir, published in Catamaran Literary Reader. “Judges said “Concerns about end-of-life care aren’t a new topic, but the focus and moving details of this story brought more than one judge to tears.”
Profiles: “In Pursuit of Justice” by Julia M. Klein, writing in The Pennsylvania Gazette. Judges said “In addition to solid reporting about the pursuit of Nazi war criminals, this compelling narrative chronicles the Justice Department’s Eli Rosenbaum’s own tragic family history during World War II.”
Honorable Mention: “Homeland Insecurity” by Jack El-Hai, published in the Minnesota Alumni Magazine. “This beautifully crafted profile tells of an exceptionally talented Black alumni who spent 30 years in Russia because his opportunities in the U.S. were limited.”
Trade: “When the Target of Bias is the Doctor” by Robin Warshaw, writing in AAMCNews. Judges said “Warshaw took on a difficult subject, reported on it impressively and offered stunning, painful anecdotes that drove home her point. She also outlines possible cures.”
Article Awards open to the public
The Arlene Award for an Article that Makes a Difference: “When Hurricane Warnings Are Lost in Translation” by Terena Bell, writing in The Atlantic. Judges said “Bell’s timely, smart article is a powerful example of how the act of reporting on a problem can become part of the solution. We loved that her story inspired potentially life-saving action almost immediately.”
The Donald Robinson Memorial Award for Investigative Journalism: “The Watson Files” by Laura Heaton, published in ForeignPolicy.com. Judges said “Before he vanished, British scientist Murray Watson developed a plan to restore forests in Somalia. This highly readable, important story tells us how Watson’s blueprint for climate adaptation was rediscovered, and the hope it represents for similarly challenged locations.”
Book Awards
Biography/History: “Through a Glass, Darkly: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and the Quest to Solve the Greatest Mystery of All” by Stefan Bechtel and Laurence Roy Stains. Published by St. Martin’s Press. Judges said “You can’t fail to note the masterful management of a huge amount of research and the ability of two authors working together to create a voice that was clear, authoritative and personalized.”
Children/Young Adult Nonfiction: “50 Wacky Things Animals Do” by Tricia Martineau Wagner. Published by Quarto Publishing Group, USA. Judges said “Engaging and fun! Facts leap off the page to tickle both your funny bone and your curiosity — no matter what your age.”
Honorable Mention: “The Encyclopedia of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises“ by Erich Hoyt, published by Firefly Press (US, Canada, UK.) Judges said “The depth of the author’s background knowledge and research is readily apparent in this gorgeous, mesmerizing book.”
General Nonfiction: “Little Soldiers: An American Boy, A Chinese School and the Global Race to Achieve” by Lenora Chu, published by HarperCollins Books, NYC. Judges said “Chu’s perspective is heartfelt, funny and revealing as she, a Chinese-American mom, watches as her child is transplanted into China’s educational assembly line. The book is a unique cultural window.”
Honorable Mention: “The Book of Noticing: Collections and Connections on the Trail” by Katherine Hauswirth, published by Homebound Publications, Pawcatuck, CT. Judges said “Hauswirth’s poking about in her home’s rural landscape is a delight. She is a gifted naturalist and a skilled story-spinner.”
Memoirs/ Biography/ Autobiography: “At the Broken Places: A Mother and Trans Son Pick Up the Pieces“ by Mary Collins, published by Beacon Press. Judges said “Lovely writing, a highly relevant story, and overall, the book is timely, important and well-thought-out.”
Service/self-help: “Thriftstyle: the Ultimate Bargain Shopper’s Guide to Smart Fashion” by Allison Engel, Reise Moore and Margaret Engel, published by Imagine Books. Judges said “It’s a standout, with terrific ideas on where and how to shop, repairs, and photos showing how to put outfits together.”
ASJA is awarding its prestigious Conscience in Media Award to the Maltese journalist, writer, and anti-corruption activist Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Ms. Caruana Galizia, 53, was murdered in her native Malta, a Mediterranean island nation, on October 16, 2017 after numerous threats and attacks to her and her family. She had been writing since 1987 and was the first person in Malta to have a signed opinion column. Since 2008 she published her self-funded personal blog, Running Commentary, and at the time of her death she was a regular columnist with the Malta Independent.
The Conscience in Media award calls attention to the increasingly dangerous profession of investigative journalism. More than 700 journalists have been killed over the past decade, according to Reporters without Borders (RSF). Six murders occurred in 2017; in 2018 a Slovak reporter was shot to death while investigating corruption.
2017 Winners
Article Awards
The Arlene Award “for an article that makes a difference”
“Tiger Temple Accused of Supplying Black Market” by Sharon Guynup, writing in National Geographic.
Donald Robinson Award for Investigative Reporting
“How Casinos Enable Gambling Addicts” by John Rosengren, writing in The Atlantic.
June Roth Award for Medical Writing
“Checkmate: Beating Cancer at Its Own Game” by Kenneth Miller, writing for Discover.
Blog Post, Personal
“Oh, the Perils We Face” by Rae Francoeur, writing in her blog Free Fall.
Honorable mention: “Little Free Library” by Ellen Ryan, in her blog ryansite.
“Owl Wars” by Emily Sohn, for bioGraphic.
Honorable mention: “Are we loving Monarchs to death?” by Susan Brackney in discovermagazine.com.
Excellence in Reporting
“Out of the Shadows” by Maggie Ginsberg, writing in Madison magazine.
Honorable mention: “Officers who rape: the police brutality chiefs ignore” by Steven Yoder in Al Jazeera America.
First-Person Experience/Essays
“A Deeper Boom” by Gary Ferguson, writing for Orion.
Honorable mention: “Identity Lost and Found: Growing up in the South, a multi-ethnic girl navigates the cultural divide” by Anjali Enjeti. The story appeared in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Health & Fitness
“The Brain That Wasn’t Supposed to Heal” by Apoorva Mandavilli, in The Atlantic.
Honorable mention: “This Mother Drank While Pregnant. Here’s What Her Daughter’s Like at 43” by Alexandra Rockey Fleming writing in The Washington Post.
“The Forgiveness Tour” by Susan Shapiro for Salon.com.
“An Icy Hothouse of Change” by Todd Pitock in Geographical.
Opinion/Op Ed
“The Sadness of Solving a Mystery” by Cameron Walker, writing in Hakai Magazine.
“At Their Peak” by Christine Koubek, writing in Bethesda Magazine
“Taking Shergar” by Milton C. Toby, writing in bloodhorse.com.
Book Awards
“The Hundred-Year Walk – An Armenian Odyssey” by Dawn Anahid MacKeen. The judges called this book “two stories of courage in one rich narrative: a granddaughter uses her grandfather’s letters and diaries to follow his path through the World War I Armenian Genocide.”
General nonfiction
“In Good Hands: Investigating Death, Mystery, and the Lessons of Broken Trust In One Family Daycare” by David Hechler. Judges said “Riveting reading! Hechler masterfully builds suspense over the outcome of abuse trials. Small details help readers ‘see’ the characters. There’s also a primer for parents seeking a daycare center.”
Honorable mention: “One Child: The Story of China’s Most Radical Experiment” by Mei Fong. Judges said “This beautifully written book juxtaposes the author’s own desire to have children against the ramifications of China’s recently ended government edict.”
“Because of Eva: A Jewish Genealogical Journey” by Susan J. Gordon. Judges said “the author nicely interwove history with her family story and her personal quest. We liked how the story flowed and how tightly it is written, and, as one judge noted, ‘It is a beautiful addition to Jewish/WWII work.’”
Honorable mention: “Ketchup is My Favorite Vegetable: A Family Grows Up with Autism” by Liane Kupferberg Carter. Judges said “It beautifully captures the struggle and joy of having an autistic child.”
“The Cancer Survival Guide” by Charlotte Libov. Judges said “This terrific resource is the book we’d want if diagnosed. It’s comprehensive, clearly written and has authoritative, up-to-date advice on the latest research and treatments for numerous types of cancer.”
Honorable mention: “The Cocktail Hour Garden” by C.L. Fornari. Judges said “you’ll be drawn in by the glorious photographs and descriptions of flowers and backyard hideaways.” Fornari’s ultimate message is that time spent with others in calming, outdoor settings is an investment in good health.
2016 Winners
Susanna Hope
Police Wife: The Secret Epidemic of Police Domestic Violence
Golden Inkwell Books
June Roth
2016 Medical
Lochlann Jain
Malignant: How Cancer Becomes Us
University of California Press
Outstanding Book
2016 Biography or History
Marvin J. Wolf
Abandoned in Hell: The Fight for Vietnam’s Firebase Kate
2016 Children
Andrea Warren
The Boy Who Became Buffalo Bill: Growing Up Billy Cody in Bleeding Kansas
Two Lions
2016 General Nonfiction
Kim Cross
What Stands In a Storm: Three Days in the Worst Superstorm to Hit the South’s Tornado Alley
Atria Books
2016 Memoir/Autobiography
Kimberly Meyer
The Book of Wanderings: A Mother- Daughter Pilgrimage
Little, Brown and Company
2016 Service, Self-Help, Collaboration
Beverly Blair Harzog
The Debt Escape Plan: How to Free Yourself From Credit Card Balances, Boost Your Credit Score, and Live Debt-Free
Career Press
2016 Service, Self-Help, Collaboration
Sandra Lamb
Writing Well for Business Success: A Complete Guide to Style, Grammar, and Usage at Work
St. Martin’s Griffin
Francesca Lyman
The Thrift Store Chain That Dressed Up Like A Charity And Got Sued
Donald Robinson Memorial
Tom Robbins
(A Brutal Beating Wakes) Attica’s Ghosts
The New York Times
June Roth
2016 Medical
Linda Marsa
The Poisoned Gulf
Outstanding Article
2016 Blog Post
Risa Doherty
A Bittersweet Goodbye as My Firstborn Leaves Home For Good
2016 Business/Technology
Celeste LeCompte
Automation in the Newsroom
Nieman Reports
2016 Business/Technology
Emily Sohn
Every Living Thing
2016 Excellence in Reporting
Vince Beiser
The Sand and the Fury
2016 First Person
Paula Ganzi Licata
Surviving an Alcoholic
The New York Times
2016 Health & Fitness
Linda Marsa
What Your Doctor Should Know About Women
2016 Health & Fitness
Kate Silver
Be the Death of Me
Chicago Health
2016 How-to
Kim Campbell Thornton
Forsake the Snake
UExpress Pet Connection
2016 How-to
Jennifer Breheny Wallace
A Policy of Saying No Can Save You Time and Guilt
Wall Street Journal
2016 Lifestyle
Kimberley Lovato
Born on the Bayou
American Way
2016 Lifestyle
Kim Campbell Thornton
Spirits on Safari
Cigar & Spirits
2016 Op-Ed
Candy Schulman
Just an Ordinary Miscarriage
The New York Times
2016 Profile
Gayle Keck
A Most Personal Venture
Drew Magazine
2016 Profile
Eugene Meyer
Meet Andy Raymond
Bethesda Magazine
2016 Trade
Barbara Robertson
The Making of Star Wars: The Force Awakens
3D World
2016 Trade
Molly Blake
High-Flying Patriotism
Air Force Sergeants Association
2015 Winners
Christine Larson
Light Bulb Moments for a Nonprofit
The New York Times
Outstanding Book
2015 General Nonfiction
John Pollack
Shortcut: How Analogies Reveal Connections, Spark Innovation, and Sell
2015 Service, Self-Help, Collaboration
Catherine Dold and Howard Eisenberg
The Recovery Book
2015 Children
Matt Chandler
Side-by-Side Baseball Stars
2015 Memoir/Autobiography
Gabrielle Selz
Unstill Life
Outstanding Article
2015 Dramatic Narrative
David Page
Haiyan Diary
2015 Business/Technology
Rachael Moeller Gorman
Comprehension Test
Proto magazine
2015 Op-Ed
Todd Pitock
Amsterdam’s Anne Frank Industry
2015 Personal Essay
Caren Chesler
I Fought (and lost) the Battle Against Christmas
2015 Reporting on a Significant Topic
Vince Beiser
Prescription for Death
Playboy magazine
2015 Service
Rachael Moeller Gorman
Men’s Health
2015 Trade
Tori DeAngelis
Thank You For Not Smoking
APA Monitor on Psychology
2015 Profile
Thomas Bedell
Rolling with Michael Herklots
Celebrated Living
2015 First Person
Shannon S. Miller
Why I Can’t Be My Son’s Mother
Scholastic Parent and Child
2015 Lifestyle
Todd Pitock
The Re-birth of Awe
National Geographic Traveler
June Roth
2015 Medical
Jessica Seigel
America’s Getting the Science of Sun Exposure Wrong
Donald Robinson Memorial
2015 Investigative Journalism
Dan Patterson
Angels of Death
Conscience In Media
James Foley
Steven Sotloff
Austin Tice
2014 Winners
Cheryl Platzman Weinstock
Genetic Testing Can Be Dangerous to Your Health
O the Oprah Magazine
Outstanding Book
2014 General Nonfiction
Meg Lukens Noonan
The Coat Route
2014 Service, Self-Help, Collaboration
Anne Marie Albano, Ph.D with Leslie Pepper
You and Your Anxious Child
2014 Children
Aline Alexander Newman
Animal Superstars
2014 Memoir/Autobiography
Pamela Gerhardt
Lucky That Way, Rediscovering My Father’s World
Outstanding Article
2014 Business/Technology
Kenneth Miller
Mushroom Manifesto
Discover Magazine
2014 Op-Ed
Liza Gross
Don’t Jump
Medical Examiner, Slate.com
2014 Personal Essay
Kenan Trebinecvic
Two Muslim Brothers Who Took the Assimiliation Path
2014 Reporting on a Significant Topic
Laura Beil
Who Killed Chris Kyle?, Men’s Health
2014 Service
Rachael Moeller Gorman
What Are Food Labels You Can Trust?
2014 Trade
Tam Harbert
Supercharging Patent Lawyers With AI
IEEE Spectrum magazine
2014 Profile
John Rosengren
Ra-shede’s Road
2014 First Person
Scott Neumyer
I Am Royce White: Living and Working with Anxiety Disorder
2014 Lifestyle
Echo Garrett
Philadelphia’s Artistic Freedom
June Roth
2014 Medical
Alexandra Robbins
Children Are Dying
The Washingtonian Magazine
Career Achievement
Kitty Kelley
Donald Robinson Memorial
2014 Investigative Journalism
Alexandra Robbins
Children Are Dying
The Washingtonian Magazine
Extraordinary Service Award
Sallie G. Randolph
2013 Winners
Janisse Ray
The Seed Underground
Echo Garrett
My Orange Duffel Bag
Outstanding Book
2013 General Nonfiction
Peter Zuckerman and Amanda Padoan
Buried in the Sky: The Extraordinary Story of the Sherpa Climbers on K
2013 Service, Self-Help, Collaboration
Kelly James-Enger
Writer for Hire: 101 Secrets to Freelance Success
2013 Children
Aline Alexander Newman
National Geographic Kids Chapter: Ape Escapes!: And More True Stories
2013 Memoir/Autobiography
Dorothy Foltz-Gray
With and Without Her: A Memoir of Being and Losing a Twin
Outstanding Article
2013 Business/Technology
Wendee Nicole Holtcamp
Was Lou Gehrig’s ALS Caused by Tap Water?
Pacific Standard
2013 Personal Essay
Candy Schulman
Raising My Mother
Chicago Tribune
2013 Reporting on a Significant Topic
Laura Beil
The Dirty Truth About Hospitals, Men’s Health
2013 Service
Rachael Moeller Gorman
Solving the Sugar Puzzle
Eating Well
2013 Trade
Stephen Ornes
Interrupting Cancer’s Travel Plans
Cancer Today
2013 Profile
David Wolman
The Perfectionist
2013 First Person
Echo Garrett
Desert Renewal
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
2013 Lifestyle
Gayle Keck
A Certain Sparkle
June Roth
2013 Medical
Victoria Costello
A Mind in Danger
Scientific American Mind
2013 Medical
Maryn McKenna
Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA
Donald Robinson Memorial
2013 Investigative Journalism
Katherine Eban
The Truth About the Fast and Furious Scandal
Extraordinary Service Award
Grace Weinstein (posthumous)
Career Achievement
Florence Issacs
2012 Winners
Lisa Armstrong
Fighting Back
Outstanding Book
2012 General Nonfiction
Jennifer Wilson
Running Away to Home, St. Martin’s Press
2012 Service, Self-Help, Collaboration
Joan Price
Naked at Our Age
Seal Press
2012 Memoir/Autobiography
Kathleen Flinn
The Kitchen Counter Cooking School, Viking
Outstanding Article
2012 Business/Technology
Caren Chesler
The Antisocial Network
Popular Mechanics
2012 Personal Essay
Diane Daniel
Once, a Husband
New York Times
2012 Reporting on a Significant Topic
Michelle Nijhuis
Crisis in the Caves
2012 Service
Ken Miller
Steering Clear of Disaster
2012 Service
Jennifer L.W. Fink
Help Your Son Succeed in School
2012 Trade
Steven Biggs
Farm Direct
Country Guide
2012 Profile
John Moir
The Chameleon
The Washington Post
2012 First Person
Lise Funderburg
Big Love
2012 Lifestyle
Brendan Borrell
The Great Pumpkin
June Roth
2012 Medical
Laura Beil
Who’s Spiking Your Supplements?
Men’s Health
Career Achievement
Suzanne Loebl
Extraordinary Service Award
Lisa Collier Cool
2011 Winners
Barry Yeoman
School of Hard Knocks
Good Housekeeping
Outstanding Book
2011 General Nonfiction
Jonathan Green
Murder in the High Himalaya
Public Affairs
2011 Service, Self-Help, Collaboration
Kevin Daum
Green Sense
The Taunton Press
2011 Children
Echo Garrett
My Orange Duffle Bag
2011 Memoir/Autobiography
Julian Smith
Crossing the Heart of Africa
Harper Perennial
Outstanding Article
2011 Business/Technology
Michael Fitzgerald
Take us to the River”
Fast Company
2011 Personal Essay
Judi Ketteler
Taking Grief Step by Step
Whole Living
2011 Reporting on a Significant Topic
Douglas Fox
Where Are We Headed? New Energy: climate change and sustainability sha
The Christian Science Monitor
2011 Reporting on a Significant Topic
Jina Moore
The African Divide
The Christian Science Monitor
2011 Service
Cheryl Platzman Weinstock
Understanding Depression at Mid-Life
Woman’s Day
2011 Trade
Kelly McGonigal
Mindfulness and Weight loss
IDEA Fitness Journal
2011 Trade
Tam Harbert
When IT is Asked to Spy
2011 Profile
Kate Silver
How Mya Saved Jacob
Spirit Magazine
2011 First Person
Beatriz Terrazas
My Mother’s Brain
D Magazine
2011 Lifestyle
Florence Williams
A Strange and not Unpleasant Experience
Bicycling Magazine
June Roth
2011 Medical
Linda Marsa
Hot Zone — A Warming Planet’s Rising Tide of Disaster
Discover Magazine
Career Achievement
Grace Weinstein
2010 Winners
Janine Latus
If I am Missing or Dead
Simon & Schuster
Erin Torneo
Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice and Redemption
St. Martin’s Press
Outstanding Book
2010 General Nonfiction
Andrea Warren
Under Siege! Three Children at the Civil War Battle for Vicksburg
Farrar, Straus & Giroux
2010 Service, Self-Help, Collaboration
Dara Chadwick
You’d Be So Pretty If. . .
De Capo Press
2010 Memoir/Autobiography
Jessica DuLong
My River Chronicles: Rediscovering America on the Hudson
Free Press/Simon & Schuster
Trish Riley
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Green Living
Alpha/Penguin Books
Abby Ellin
When the Fine Print Applies to You
The New York Times
Jina Moore
In Africa, Justice for ‘Bush Wives’
Christian Science Monitor
Career Achievement
Sally Wendkos Olds
Donald Robinson Memorial
Katherine Eban
Bad Bargain
Linda Marsa
A Wing and a Prayer
June Roth
2010 Medical
Shannon Brownlee
What’s Wrong with Cancer Tests?
Reader’s Digest
2010 Medical
Katherine Eban
Going After Las Vegas’ Medical Mafia
Outstanding Article
2010 First Person
Michelle Nijhuis
Township 13 South, Range 92 West, Section 35
High Country News
2010 First Person
Jina Moore
No Small Mercy
The Walrus
2010 Personal Essay
Perry Glasser
Iowa Black Dirt
Good Men Foundation
2010 Personal Essay
Amy Paturel
The Other Love of His Life
2010 Personal Essay
Beatriz Terrazas
The Childhood She Couldn’t Remember
2010 Reporting on a Significant Topic
Shannon Brownlee and Jeanne Lenzer
Shots in the Dark
The Atlantic Monthly
2010 Reporting on a Significant Topic
Bruce Henderson
Cook Vs. Peary
2010 Profile
Mary Wiltenburg
Lost in Migration
Christian Science Monitor
2010 Profile
Todd Pitock
Elegy to a Scholar
2010 Profile
Steven Beschloss
Man with a Mallet
American Way
2010 Trade
Barbara Robertson
What’s Old is New Again (Benjamin Button)
Computer Graphics World
2010 Trade
Michael Fitzgerald
How Facebook and Twitter are Changing Data Privacy
2010 Service
Meryl Davids
Is Your Doctor Out of Date?
Reader’s Digest
2010 Service
Kim Pittaway
For Goodness’ Sake
2010 Service
Cheryl Platzman Weinstock
Thirteen Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
2010 Lifestyle
Jennifer Margulis
No Price. No Menu. No Waste.
2010 Lifestyle
Todd Pitock
An Old World Finds a New Path
2010 Business/Technology
Timothy Gower
Born Again
2010 Business/Technology
Michael Fitzgerald
How Innovations from Developing Countries Trickle Up
Fast Company
Outstanding Book
2010 General Nonfiction
Mary Collins
American Idle: A Journey Through Our Sedentary Culture
Capital Books
2010 General Nonfiction
Susan Golant
The Alzheimer’s Project: Momentum in Science
Public Affairs
2010 MemorMemoir/Autobiography
Jessica DuLong
My River Chronicles: Rediscovering America on the Hudson
Free Press/Simon & Schuster
2010 MemorMemoir/Autobiography
John Hanc
The Coolest Race on Earth
Chicago Review Press
Past Award Winners 2000-2009 I 1990-1999 I 1980-1989 I 1975-1979

ASJA relishes in the opportunity to recognize exceptional freelance writing and writers. Our annual awards program highlights stellar nonfiction articles, essays, books, and content marketing writing in a variety of categories.