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“Do You Really Want to Say That? Q&A on Inclusive Writing” With Janet Stovall

As writers, we have the power to shape perceptions that can disrupt or reinforce stereotypes. Inclusive writing helps avoid perpetuating harmful narratives and biases faced by historically marginalized groups, while also enabling us to create content that resonates with a broader audience by intentionally including a range of lived experiences when sourcing stories. In this session featuring Janet Stovall of Pragmatic Diversity, moderators and ASJA DEAI Co-Chairs Gabrielle Gayagoy Gonzalez and Leanna Lee will delve into the nuances of inclusive writing lifted up by ASJA members, such as exploring language choices, sourcing, and managing pushback from editors. Topics include the use of pronouns, when to capitalize mentions of race, how to write about older adults, writing about addiction and ableism, and more.

You’re invited to share a question here ahead of the June 20 webinar. Can be related to any dimension of diversity or identity, such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religion, age, level of education, body size, family status, work experience, wealth, citizenship status, experience with trauma, and more.