Gimme a Minute: A Real-Talk Procrastination Webinar for Freelance Writers
January 26, 2023, 2:00 pm-3:00 pm ET
Freelance Life, Productivity, Running Your Business, TipsEat the frog. Make a list. Set a timer. Keep to a schedule. Break down tasks. Turn off distractions. Reward yourself.
Fail at all of the above, and start again tomorrow.
If you’ve read one or more books about procrastination, subscribed to a productivity newsletter, gobbled up blog posts that offer time-saving or -organizing advice, and still have problems with procrastination, this workshop is for you. First, we’ll consider the reasons for procrastination (not all of them are bad!), borrowing from recent research on neurodiversity. Then, we’ll look at ways to trick your natural process, including how to incorporate necessary procrastination.
Join us from 2-3 pm ET on Thursday, January 26, to kick off good habits for 2023.
Laura Laing was president of ASJA from July 2020 until January 2023 and currently serves as Past President on ASJA’s Board of Directors. She has been a freelance writer for nearly 23 years, specializing in long-form journalism, content marketing, and mathematics curriculum development. She has published three general interest books about mathematics and is currently working on a memoir that weaves abstract mathematics with lyric narrative.

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Freelance Life, Productivity, Running Your Business, Tips