Health & Medicine
Mental Health, particularly adolescent mental health, Sleep, Biological Rhythms, Dreams
- Articles
- Blog posts
- Books
- Editing
- Essays
- Feature writing
- News
- Profiles
- Q&A
- Op-Ed
Writing Credits
Johnson, Karin; Malow, Beth, and Lamberg, Lynne
Why We Need To Fall Back Year-Round — And End Daylight Saving Time
The Messenger, November 4, 2023
Caskadon, Mary, PhD, & Lamberg, Lynne
US Schools Flunk the Start Time Test
The Messenger, September 9, 2023
Johnson, Karin, & Lamberg, Lynne
Let’s Celebrate Workers By Respecting Their Sleep
The Messenger, September 4, 2023
Book Credits
Smolensky, Michael, PhD, and Lamberg, Lynne. The Body Clock Guide to Better Health: How to Use Your Body’s Natural Clock to Fight Illness and Achieve Maximum Health (New York: Henry Holt & Company, 2000; Owl Books, 2001), winner of 2001 Outstanding Book Award, American Society of Journalists and Authors).
Lamberg, Lynne. Bodyrhythms: Chronobiology and Peak Performance (William Morrow & Co., 1994, and, 2000),
Cartwright, Rosalind, Ph.D., and Lamberg, Lynne. Crisis Dreaming: Using Your Dreams to Solve Your Problems, (HarperCollins, 1992 and, 2001),
Lamberg, Lynne. Drugs and Sleep (Chelsea House, 1989).
Lamberg, Lynne. The American Medical Association Guide to Better Sleep (Random House, 1984).
Awards, Honors, Appointments
2016 National Association of Science Writers, Diane McGurgan Service Award, for volunteer service as NASW’s Book Editor for 16+ years, producing resources that highlight members’ work and provide support for authors.
2005 National Sleep Foundation Communications’ Career Leadership Award for skill in translating complex scientific concepts and reporting on diverse aspects of sleep medicine for a variety of audiences for three-plus decades
2006 Society for Women’s Health Research Excellence in Women’s Health Research Journalism Award
1999 National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Outstanding Media Award
1991, 2004 University of Maryland, College Park MD, Knight Fellowships for science journalists to study brain science
Selected Work
As author, unless indicated otherwise.