Government & Politics
Business & Finance
Business & Finance
I report and write about work systems and cultures, how we combine work and care, gender, racial and class equity, time, love and attachment, and the search for an equitable Good Life.
- Books
- Blog posts
- Articles
- Case studies
- Editing
- Essays
- Feature writing
- Podcasts (producing)
- Podcasts (writing)
- White papers
Book Credits
Overwhelmed, Work, Love and Play when No One has the Time – Sarah Crichton/ Farrar Strauss Giroux, 2014
Over Work: Transforming the Daily Grind in the Quest for a Better Life – Holt, September 2024
Awards, Honors, Appointments
- Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play when No One has the Time chosen as:
- Notable Book of the Year by the Washington Post and National Public Radio, 2014
- Virginia Library Association literary nonfiction award
- Goodreads Choice Award Best Business Book of 2014 finalist
- Pulitzer Prize, part of the team of Washington Post reporters that won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize for covering the massacre at Virginia Tech, the largest mass campus shooting at the time
- Abe Journalism Fellow, 2018
- Bernard Schwartz Fellow, New America Foundation, 2011 – 2013
- Diversity Fellow, Knight Center for Specialized Journalism, University of Maryland, 2006
- National Association of Black Journalists’ sports writing award for a series following a high school basketball team comprised of immigrants or the sons of immigrants who had caught the very American basketball fever, 2005
- Numerous reporting and writing awards from the Virginia Press Association and the Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association, including a 2007 feature writing award for chronicling the intertwined lives of the women in a French class that had been meeting for 30 years
- Education Writers Association Award for a series on the academic achievement gap and for uncovering a cheating scandal at the highest-scoring elementary school in the state of Maryland.
- National awards for writing about racial and ethnic health disparities, E.coli outbreaks and the federal budget