Meet the Member: Lottie Joiner on Freelancing, Flirty Headlines, and Serving on the ASJA Board

Michelle Rafter

Lottie Joiner knows good stories when she sees them.

It could stem from her work as an editor. During Joiner’s tenure as editor-in-chief of The Crisis, the former quarterly magazine of the NAACP, the publication won several national awards. She also hosted and produced a weekly Facebook Live show for the publication that focused on how the pandemic impacted minority communities and the 2020 racial reckoning.

Lottie Joiner head shot March 2025
Lottie Joiner

After jumping into freelance work, Joiner noticed a gap in the mainstream press’ coverage of issues affecting African American communities — including Black history and social justice issues – and set about filling it, getting bylines in the Washington Post, USA Today and Gannett, and The Daily Beast.

She knows what makes a good people story, whether it’s about a fictional character or a startup with a flirty name.

True to her name, she’s also a joiner. She served on the ASJA board from 2017 until the end of 2024, is currently on the board of the Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS), and is a past board member of the Fund for Investigative Journalism.

In an email Q&A, Joiner talked about her freelance trajectory, some widely read articles, joining ASJA, and advice she’d give incoming ASJA board members.

What led you to freelance writing?

I was working for a monthly education publication when a former colleague asked me to write a story for the publication where she was the new editor. 

One story turned into another story which turned into another story, and before you know it, I was a regular contributor. I was able to make extra income writing about issues that I cared about — social justice, and African American history, art and culture. Another former colleague who led a minority-focused health magazine tapped me to write a story about health disparities, then a story about mental health in the African American community, and then a piece about fitness among Black women. Before I knew it, I was a regular contributor. I had the time and flexibility to do this freelance work and the editors were familiar with my writing style and experience covering these issues.

During this time, I also noticed that the issues we were writing about were often not covered in the mainstream press and realized there was an opening to bring those issues to a larger audience. I saw an opportunity where I could contribute my experience and expertise writing about African American history and social justice issues to mainstream media outlets. This led me to write for publications such as the Washington Post, USA Today and Gannett, and The Daily Beast. One of my Daily Beast stories about the Civil Rights Movement is included in some school curriculums.

What’s your writing specialty?

My specialty is writing about the lived experiences of African Americans and women – from teen suicide to romantic relationships. I really enjoy interviewing people who participated in the Civil Rights Movement of the late 1950s and 1960s. These are the  foot soldiers who were on the frontlines of America’s fight for equality and justice. They participated in boycotts, demonstrations, and protests, some even sacrificing their livelihoods, and in the more tragic cases their lives, to help create a more equal nation. I am inspired by their courage and commitment. 

What’s an extraordinary story you’ve written?

A lot of the stuff I write is serious history, but I also do culture stories. One year I was assigned to do a piece on Harry Potter for People magazine’s “Most Interesting or Intriguing People” issue. I thought it was weird that the issue included a book character. I did a business series for USA Today where I interviewed entrepreneurs like the founders of Spanx, Five Guys, College Hunks Hauling Junk, and Carol’s Daughter, a Black hair care brand. As part of the series, I interviewed the founders of Booty Pop, the underwear brand, about how to turn your niche into riches. My editor called me the day the story was published to say it was the most read article that day. The Booty Pop founders were smart, ambitious women who had tapped into the desire of people wanting curvier bodies. The interview wasn’t weird or out of the ordinary, but I thought it was interesting that with all the things going in the world — politics, sports, etc. — the audience was really interested in the success story of these female entrepreneurs. The name Booty Pop in the headline didn’t hurt either.

When and why did you join ASJA?

I joined ASJA in 2015 after learning about the organization from friends while attending another conference. I wanted to take my freelance career to another level. I was interested in ASJA’s resources for freelance writers, including educational webinars and networking opportunities. I really wanted to write for mainstream publications and was excited about the opportunity to meet editors face-to-face through Client Connections. 

What’s the ASJA benefit you appreciate the most?

The ASJA benefit I appreciate the most is Client Connections. The Client Connections committee does an amazing job finding and connecting members to editors, book agents, and publishers. During last fall’s virtual conference, I had meetings with several wonderful editors who seemed sincerely interested in my ideas. One of the pieces I pitched during the virtual conference was published in Next Avenue earlier this year. It was the main story on the day it was published on the site.

What are some highlights of your time on the board?

Former ASJA President Sherry Paprocki recommended that I serve on the board. I was interested in the inner workings of the organization and getting to know our leadership. 

I really enjoyed connecting with and getting to know the members of the board. I saw firsthand ASJA board members’ hard work, dedication, and commitment in providing ASJA members with the resources, tools, and networking opportunities that help advance their freelance writing careers. I served on the first scholarship committee. The late Milton Toby, another past president, asked me to serve on the WEAF committee, which I continue to serve on today.

How did serving on the board help you or your freelance business?

Serving on the board helped me learn about reading budgets, making hard decisions and, from ASJA’s past presidents who I worked alongside (Sherry Paprocki, Milton Toby, Laura Laing, and Emily Paulsen), leading with compassion. 

What advice would you give incoming board members?

ASJA has great leadership and an amazing board that works to make sure the organization has a strong foundation for writers and authors. Don’t hold back. Your ideas and energy are needed.


Michelle Rafter is a ghostwriter and ASJA member based in Portland, Oregon. She is ASJA’s publications chair and helped plan the 2023, 2024, and 2025 annual conferences.