ASJA is the only professional freelance association that offers advocacy, professional development, and client networking.
A membership in ASJA grants you instant access to hundreds of generous and proven writing professionals. We share professional expertise and experience that can help you take your career to the next level. And through programs like a member-to-member rights and fees database, in-person and online educational programs, and meetings with editors, publishers, and agents, ASJA membership offers you the tools and connections to help you build your successful freelance writing business.
What Members Are Saying
“I’m sure I’d have some sort of career without ASJA—but I have no idea what! Most of the work I do has come to me directly or indirectly through connections I’ve made from ASJA. It’s made all the difference to me.”
— Minda Zetlin, ASJA member
ASJA member Tara Haelle at her TEDx talk in 2016. Photo: TEDx Oslo.
Why join ASJA?
With ASJA’s nuts-and-bolts professional development programs, you’ll meet your income and writing goals. A professional membership also grants you access to one-on-one meetings with top clients, editors, publishers, and agents.
Former U.S. Senator Tom Daschle being interviewed by ASJA member Melanie Padgett Powers in 2017.
Who can join?
Whether your experience is with national magazines, brands, or publishing nonfiction books, or you’re looking to take your regional publishing credits to the next level–ASJA is the place for you. Colleges and corporations are also welcome to join.