As a child, Emil Wilbekin was curious, talkative, and liked to tell everyone’s business in the household and neighborhood – so much so, his parents gave him the nickname Mr. Reporter.
His curiosity, love of storytelling, and passion for reading led Wilbekin to a career as a journalist, content writer, and most recently, assistant professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology, the presenting sponsor of ASJA: Always in Fashion, NYC2025, Feb. 24-26.

In his keynote speech at ASJA’s 2025 annual conference on Tuesday, Feb. 25, Wilbekin plans to talk about one of the foundations of his success as a writer – the interview – and how other writers can fine-tune their interviewing techniques.
Interviewing is a serious skill, one that distinguishes exceptional journalists from those who are merely good, Wilbekin said in an email interview. Particularly now when so many people are media trained and journalists are fed soundbites, “good interviews can produce a fresh take, a story nobody has ever heard before, or a piece of information that can go viral,” he said. “It is something that you have to prepare for and practice.”
In our Q&A, Wilbekin talked more about what led him to become a writer and teach at FIT, how his journalism training prepared him for other types of writing work, and his advice for self-employed writers. The Q&A has been edited for length and clarity.
What led you to become a writer?
When I was in elementary school, I won an essay writing competition. The theme was about energy conservation. That was the lightbulb moment that made me realize that writing was important and had value.
I was always enamored by writing, journalism, and storytelling. My parents were voracious readers. We had subscriptions to both local newspapers The Cincinnati Enquirer and The Cincinnati Post, the Black newspaper The Cincinnati Herald, Time, Life, Ebony, Jet, and the NAACP magazine The Crisis. Our bookshelves were filled with everything from the Bible to World Book Encyclopedia volumes, James Baldwin, Nikki Giovanni, Agatha Christie, John Updike, Gloria Steinem, Alex Haley, and on and on.
It was the confluence of the love of storytelling and the influence of journalism, magazines, and reading that led me to become a writer. The storytelling, the importance of the story, and the value of words. They didn’t call me Mr. Reporter for nothing.
What’s the craziest interview you’ve done?
Last year, I was commissioned to interview Ziwe Fumudoh for the cover of Grazie U.S. It’s always a daunting task to interview someone who is a masterful interviewer, but in this case she is also a provocative satirical writer, commentator, and online talk show host. Watching her interviews with Fran Lebowitz, Drew Barrymore, Michel Chee, and Gloria Steinem, gave me such anxiety. She is fearless and pulls no punches. I was definitely freaked out by the assignment.
I was interviewing her about the release of her book, black friend. In addition to a proper sit-down interview, I’d requested to hang out with her at a social event so I could get background color and a sense of her. I had also been waiting for galleys of the book for research. After a lot of back and forth with her publicist, I realized I wasn’t going to get any in-person face time with her, (the interview) would be done over Zoom.
Then one day, I got a call in my office at FIT. Could I speak to Ziwe in 15 minutes? I asked about the book galleys for the book. The PR said, I’m sending it now.
Gulp. I couldn’t push back because I was on deadline. So I scanned the galleys, reviewed my notes and research, and did the interview. It was definitely one of the hardest interviews I have ever done. She was tough and she was fierce. I felt like I was literally dancing for my life. But she gave me what I needed to write the cover story. It’s a must read. It’s also a read.
How did you end up teaching at FIT?
The Marketing Communication Department at FIT had an opening for a full-time professor and wanted someone with journalism and PR experience. Professor Elena Romero reached out to ask if I was interested. I had just finished writing an essay for her about hip hop styling for a book the Museum at FIT was publishing with Rizzoli for the Fresh, Fly, and Fabulous: Fifty Years of Hip Hop Style exhibition. So I said okay.
I had done a lot of public speaking, lectures, and taught a few classes for Misa Hylton’s Fashion Academy, but I had never taught before as a full-time job. I was really on the fence. But Elena encouraged me. It was a long interview process. I did a teaching demonstration in Professor Allison Leopold’s Introduction to Journalism class. I was a hit! The students loved me and I felt energized by the exchange. Next I was interviewed by the entire Marketing Communications Department, Dean Maher of the Business and Technology School, Vice President Jones, and then President Brown. I got the job! It is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. FIT is truly iconic.
How have you translated the skills you honed as a journalist into the realm of content marketing writing?
I have done a lot of writing that nobody knows about. In the realm of content marketing writing, I have done copywriting, social media content writing, branded content writing, creative brief writing, production notes for feature films, even writing for merchandise packaging. To me good writing is good writing. When I was studying British media and advertising at a Boston University study abroad program in London in college, I learned quickly that being a great storyteller means being able to write any and everything. It has served me well.
What essentials about making a living as a writer do you impress on students or anyone contemplating a career in the field?
This is such a great question. Especially right now. I believe you have to love being a writer to pursue a career in the field. If you love writing and are truly passionate about it, you will find a way to make it work. Writing, like everything else in life, takes practice, patience, perseverance, and passion. It’s not for the faint of heart. If you love it, you will make a way.
With that said, I recommend you have other irons in the fire, like acting, modeling, or fashion design. You may want to have a job that pays the bills while you pursue your writing career. You may have to write things you don’t want to write to get to where you want to write. But keep your hand on the plow. Keep writing. Write amazing captions on your social media posts. Pitch editors constantly. Direct message your favorite writers, editors, and authors and network and connect with them. You have to be relentless in your pursuit of your dream. There are less full time media jobs now, but there are plenty of places that need writing, copy, scripts, bios, packaging, display copy. Put yourself out there and you will make it happen.
If a self-employed writer’s goal in 2025 is to do more social, video, audio-based content, what’s a good way to start?
Like the iconic Nike slogan: “Just do it!” The beauty of social media platforms is that they give you a canvas to practice and play with your content. Writing, photography, video, audio, and multimedia content is how you tell your story. All of these skills will only make you more valuable as a writer. I emphasize to my students that they are a content creators and storytellers. You can no longer just be a writer.
What are you reading, watching, or listening to?
I am reading bell hooks’ book, All About Love. I just watched the Dan Rather documentary RATHER on Netflix. I’m listening to Kendrick Lamar.