ASJA Organizational Membership


ASJA Organizational Membership

Organizational Membership Qualifications

ASJA Organizational MemberCompanies, consultants, colleges, and other professional associations supplying products, offering services, or otherwise engaging with ASJA members are eligible for organizational memberships.

Applications are required for all ASJA memberships, including organizations. There is no application fee for organizations. All organizational member applicants must be voted in by the ASJA Board of Directors and are required to honor the ASJA Code of Conduct. Up to two company representatives can be added to the ASJA member system.

Member benefits:

  • Opportunity to network with ASJA members at conferences, events and webinars
  • Discounted rates for exhibit space and/or sponsorship of ASJA member events
  • Member rates to ASJA conferences and events for up to four company representatives
  • Organizational Member profile page
  • Annual recognition with a featured post in the ASJA weekly
  • Use of an ASJA Organizational Member digital badge
  • Subscription to ASJA Weekly

Organizational Members connect with ASJA’s Professional Members and Associate Members, and their support of this 75-year-old organization demonstrates that they choose to align themselves with the standards and rigor of ASJA. Please note: Organizational Members may participate only on the client side of Client Networking events such as Client Connections, Pitch Slams, etc.

Annual cost: $1,500


To apply for organizational membership, please fill out and submit the form below:

Contact Name(Required)

Having trouble submitting the form? Click here.