For years, members ranked ASJA Magazine as one of their favorite perks of membership. Throughout its pages are articles that can help you become a better writer and freelancer. I’m proud to be its editor because I get to work closely with our members who share their great wisdom and reporting skills, writing stories that benefit us all.
If you haven’t paged through the magazine lately, I invite you to do so. Last October, we turned the publication into a quarterly and introduced some new columns and departments. For example, “Pitch Perfect” shares a pitch one of your fellow writers used to successfully land an assignment. “That’s Productive” offers tips on how to get more done in less time. And “The Last Word” is our op-ed, in which one of your peers gets to share something important to them, such as the benefits of rate shaming, the fact that work is out there if you put in the time and look, or how story ideas can be found everywhere if you’re open to noticing them.
Of course, we kept some tried and true departments. For example, the “Market Report” shares a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to write for a certain publication. We’ve featured Eating Well, Your Teen, and (in the next issue) American Way. And “Paycheck” gives you some insights about what clients pay as well as feedback from your colleagues on their writing experience.
Want to write for us? I hope you do! For years, members contributed articles as a way to give back to the organization, but today we have a budget, albeit a modest one. If you want to write for ASJA Magazine, please feel free to send a pitch to asjamagazineeditor@gmail.com. We’re a quarterly and have four features and two departments available each issue, and we welcome your ideas. Our January and April 2021 issues are already assigned, but we have spots open for our July 2021 issue on magazines and our October 2021 issue on books.
If you have an idea for a new department, I’m all ears for that, as well. This, after all, is your magazine. Please reach out and let me know what you think of our new format, approach, and content. I want the magazine to continue to be one of your favorite perks—one that grows with you.
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