The Writers' Lounge is Your 2024 ASJA Conference Networking HQ

Emily Dalamangas

So often, as independent writers we’re working alone. It can get lonely sitting at our desks all day with little interaction with others. That’s why we’re happy to debut the Writers’ Lounge at the ASJA 2024 conference Sept. 24-26.

ASJA 2024 conference Writers' Lounge on Airmeet

The Writers’ Lounge virtual hang out space is your opportunity to build connections with other attendees through networking and socializing. It consists of virtual “tables” where people can gather informally throughout the conference. Tables are organized around post-session discussions, ASJA chapters or regions where attendees are located, and other informative and fun topics. We’ve reserved a number of open tables so people can arrange impromptu meetups with friends and other attendees.

Keep reading for a complete list of Writers’ Lounge tables plus information on ASJA booths that will be open during the conference. If you’re registered and received an event access link, you can use it to log into the Airmeet space and check out the Writers’ Lounge area in advance of the conference.

Conference registration is open through Friday, Sept. 20, and is $299 for ASJA members, and $349 for nonmembers. Read more about conference keynote speakers and sessions and sign up here. The virtual conference takes place on the Airmeet tech platform – find out how to use it here

How to Use the Writers’ Lounge

Joining a table in the Writers’ Lounge is simple. To find one in the ASJA conference space on Airmeet:

  • Navigate to the Writers’ Lounge button in the upper left corner of the screen. 
  • Decide which of the available tables you’d like to check out and select the “Join” button below it. 
  • Use the video and chat options to interact with others at the table.
  • Use the participant icon – the first of the three icons in the bottom right corner – to send an invitation to another conference attendee to join you at the table.
  • When you’re ready to leave, click on the “X” in the top right corner of the table. 
Writers' Lounge open tables

To use an open table, go to the top of the Writers’ Lounge area and scroll down until you see General Tables 1-4. Click on the “Join” button to grab a seat. Use the participant icon in the bottom right corner to invite other people to join you at the table.

The conference space on Airmeet also features ASJA Booths. Click on the Booth button at the top left of the conference reception area main screen to enter the booth space. From there, pick a booth to learn more about ASJA membership, events, and member benefits. At the booths, you can access relevant materials, watch videos, or virtually chat and ask questions. 

The Writers’ Lounge tables and booths will be open from Monday, Sept. 23, at 12 p.m. Eastern time to Friday, Sept. 27, at 12 p.m. ET. We kick off on Monday, Sept. 23, with an ASJA networking day, an opportunity to check out the Writers’ Lounge and booths before the conference begins. 

Writers’ Lounge Tables

Here’s a list of available Writers’ Lounge tables and ASJA booths. Some tables have hosts to guide the discussions at specific times noted on the schedule. However, you can join any table at any time, whether there is a host or not.

Continue the Conversation. Use these tables to continue discussing keynote speeches, sessions in the three genre tracks, and cross-genre track sessions. These tables do not have designated hosts.

  • Continue the Conversation: Books – Use this space to continue discussing sessions in the books track. Follow the instructions above to invite other session goers to join you.
  • Continue the Conversation: Content Marketing Writing – Use this space to continue discussing sessions in the content marketing writing track. Feel free to invite other session goers to join you.
  • Continue the Conversation: Journalism –  Use this space to continue discussing sessions in the journalism track. Feel free to invite other session goers to join you.
  • Keynotes & Cross-Track Conversation –  Use this space to continue discussing keynotes and cross-track sessions. Feel free to invite other session goers to join you.

Table Topics. Here’s the full list of preplanned table topics.

  • ASJA Coffee Chat. The weekly ASJA Coffee Chat will be held here during the conference, on Monday, Sept. 23, 2:30-3:30 p.m. ET, instead of on the regular day and time. Host: Gary Wollenhaupt.
  • Ask Me Anything DEAI Task Force. The co-chairs of ASJA’s DEAI Task Force will answer your questions about the task force and ASJA’s DEAI activities. Hosts time: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 5:15-6 p.m. ET. Hosts: Gabrielle Gayagoy Gonzalez and Leanna Lee.
  • Meet New Freelance Friends. Freelancing can be lonely, so come here to make new friends and maybe find your next accountability buddy or mastermind group member.
  • Promoting Yourself on Social Media. Share ideas to promote your business and extend your brand on social media.
    Hosts time: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 5:15-6 p.m. ET. Hosts: Merlisa Lawrence Corbett and Holly Rizzuto Palker.
  • What Books Are You Reading? – All work and no play is no fun! Unwind a little and share what you’re reading that’s not related to work. Host time: Tuesday, Sept. 24, 5:15-6 p.m. ET. Host: Michelle Rafter.
  • What Shows Are You Watching? – Come share your current favorite movies, series, or shows. Host time: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 5:15-6 p.m. ET. Host: Michelle Rafter.
  • What Podcasts Are You Listening To? – True crime, history, mystery? Come share your favorite podcasts. Host time: Thursday, Sept. 26, 2:15-3 p.m. ET. Host: Michelle Rafter.

 Regional Tables. If regional tables are hosted, the days and times that hosts will be present are listed below. Otherwise, the tables have no designated hosts, and attendees are encouraged to use them to gather at any time. Not seeing your region? Join the Digital Nomads table. Or follow the directions above for inviting people to join you at an open table to talk about freelancing in your area. 

  • Chicago Region  
  • Connecticut Region   
  • Digital Nomads                              
  • Florida Region 
  • New England Region                                  
  • Northern California Region   
  • NYC Tri-State Region 
  • Pacific Northwest Region. Host times: Tuesday, Sept. 24, 12:15-12:30, 1:30-1:45, and 2:15-2:30 p.m. Eastern time; Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2:15-2:30 p.m. ET; Thursday, Sept. 26. 1:15-1:30 and 2:15-2:30 p.m. ET. Hosts: Joanna Nesbit and Michelle Rafter.
  • Philadelphia Region. Host times: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 10-10:45 a.m. ET. Hosts: Christina Hernandez Sherwood and Kim Yavorski.
  • Southern California Region                  
  • Southeast Region         
  • Texas Region    
  • Upper Midwest Region 
  • Washington DC Region. Host time: Thursday, Sept. 26, 2:15-3 p.m. ET. Host: Debbie Blumberg.

ASJA Booths

  • ASJA Info
  • ASJA Advocacy
  • ASJA Awards
  • DEAI at ASJA
  • ASJA Publications
  • ASJA Events
  • Writers Emergency Assistance Fund (WEAF)
  • Banned Books Week

Emily Dalamangas is a content marketing writer and ASJA member based in Rockland County, New York. She is the assistant chair for the 2024 virtual conference and the 2025 in-person conference.

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