About Airmeet — The ASJA 2024 Conference platform

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About Airmeet — The ASJA 2024 Conference platform

What is Airmeet?

AirmeetAirmeet, the technology platform for the 2024 ASJA Conference, is an online venue for events, designed to deliver engagement and interactions. Airmeet allows participants to attend webinar sessions and interact with each other on virtual tables in the social lounge and at the ASJA committee booths.





Web browser

Airmeet is accessed through your web browser, and the platform is best experienced on a Chrome browser (version 79 or higher), laptop, or desktop.

browsersSupported browsers:

  • Chrome version >= 79 (Recommended)

You can download the latest version of Chrome from https://www.google.com/chrome

  • Microsoft Edge all version
  • Firefox (version >= 76)
  • Brave Browser
  • Safari (with limited access & known compatibility issue)

Browsers NOT supported by Airmeet

  • Chrome (version < 79)
  • Firefox (version <= 76)
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera

Airmeet invites

Those registered for the 2024 ASJA Conference will soon receive invites to the conference platform via email. When you sign in, you’ll be able to view the full schedule. The opening session begins at 11 a.m. ET on Tuesday, Sept. 24, but attendees will be have the opportunity to enter the conference hall as early as 8 a.m. ET to get acclimated, visit with others in the Writers’ Lounge or browse the ASJA committee booths.

Additional information/FAQs about Airmeet