Brigid Schulte

Brigid Schulte is a journalist, think tank program director, public speaker and author of Over Work: Transforming the Daily Grind in the Quest for a Better Life, and the New York Times bestselling book on time pressure, gender and modern life, Overwhelmed: Work, Love & Play when No One has the Time, which named one of the notable books of the year by the Washington Post and NPR, won the Virginia Library Association’s literary nonfiction award. It has been translated into a number of languages, and helped spark a national conversation about the toll that outdated policies and cultural attitudes are taking on modern lives, and how to move forward.

She was an award-winning journalist for The Washington Post and The Washington Post Magazine for nearly 17 years and was part of the team that won the 2008 Pulitzer Prize. She now serves as the director of the Better Life Lab, the work-family justice and gender equity program at New America, a nonpartisan think tank, which uses data, storytelling, evidence-based solutions, and policy analysis to highlight how redesigning work to make time for care, work-care enrichment, gender equity and well-designed family supportive policies are keys to a future of equity, innovation, productivity, well-being and quality of life. She hosts the Better Life Lab podcast on Slate, which hit the Top 50 on the Apple Podcast charts in its first season, has authored several practical Better Work Toolkits and co-founded BLLx – behavioral science-based tools to help couples and families more fairly share the unpaid work of care and home. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including the New York Times, Slate, the Atlantic, Harvard Business Review, Vox, CNN, Quartz, Washington Monthly, the Financial Times, the Guardian, New York Magazine, Fast Company, and others. She has been quoted or featured in numerous publications and has appeared on a number of TV and radio programs, including CNN, The BBC, NBC, Fresh Air with Terry Gross and NPR’s Morning Edition.

She is a sought-out voice and has spoken all over the world about the Future of Work and Well-Being: the causes and consequences of our unsustainable, exploitive always-on overwork culture, and how to make time for The Good Life by redesigning how we work, by elevating the value of care and re-imagining gender roles for a fairer division of labor and opportunity at work and home, by rewiring public policy to truly meet the needs of 21st century families in a rapidly changing future of work, and, instead of seeking status in busyness, by recapturing the importance of leisure and truly free time.

She lives in Alexandria, Virginia, with her husband, Tom Bowman, who covers military affairs for National Public Radio, and their two children. A native of Oregon, Brigid has a BA in English, Modern Languages and Communications from the University of Portland, and an MS from Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. She grew up spending summers with family in Wyoming, where she did not feel so overwhelmed or overworked.


info Subjects


Government & Politics
Business & Finance


I report and write about work systems and cultures, how we combine work and care, gender, racial and class equity, time, love and attachment, and the search for an equitable Good Life.

notepad Skills

  • Books
  • Blog posts
  • Articles
  • Case studies
  • Editing
  • Essays
  • Feature writing
  • Podcasts (producing)
  • Podcasts (writing)
  • White papers

notepad Book Credits

Overwhelmed, Work, Love and Play when No One has the Time – Sarah Crichton/ Farrar Strauss Giroux, 2014

Over Work: Transforming the Daily Grind in the Quest for a Better Life – Holt, September 2024

star Awards, Honors, Appointments

  • Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play when No One has the Time chosen as:
    • Notable Book of the Year by the Washington Post and National Public Radio, 2014
    • Virginia Library Association literary nonfiction award
    • Goodreads Choice Award Best Business Book of 2014 finalist
  • Pulitzer Prize, part of the team of Washington Post reporters that won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize for covering the massacre at Virginia Tech, the largest mass campus shooting at the time
  • Abe Journalism Fellow, 2018
  • Bernard Schwartz Fellow, New America Foundation, 2011 – 2013
  • Diversity Fellow, Knight Center for Specialized Journalism, University of Maryland, 2006
  • National Association of Black Journalists’ sports writing award for a series following a high school basketball team comprised of immigrants or the sons of immigrants who had caught the very American basketball fever, 2005
  • Numerous reporting and writing awards from the Virginia Press Association and the Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association, including a 2007 feature writing award for chronicling the intertwined lives of the women in a French class that had been meeting for 30 years
  • Education Writers Association Award for a series on the academic achievement gap and for uncovering a cheating scandal at the highest-scoring elementary school in the state of Maryland.
  • National awards for writing about racial and ethnic health disparities, E.coli outbreaks and the federal budget

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