2024 ASJA Conference

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The ASJA 2024 Conference

Thanks to everyone who joined us!

ASJA 2024 Conference highlights

ASJA’s 2024 “Conference From Anywhere” took place online Sept. 24 to 26. It was held in conjunction with the members-only networking opportunity, Client Connections 2024 – A Virtual Event!, which runs Sept. 26 and 27.

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2024 ASJA Conference squareASJA is the premier organization for independent writers, including freelance journalists, content writers, and nonfiction book authors. The annual ASJA conference is consistently named a top event for independent writing professionals because it connects writers with editors, agents, and other clients. Join us to hear from influential keynote speakers, attend informative educational sessions, and make valuable connections to take your career to the next level.

Who attends?

The virtual multi-day conference is an event that provides access to education and networking opportunities for writers everywhere (save the date for our in-person conference in New York City in February 2025). The ASJA conference attracts writers at all career stages, including those just launching a writing business, midcareer professionals, and long-time freelancers. We welcome ASJA members and nonmembers, and you do not need to be an ASJA member to attend.

Why attend?

Come together with other writers and benefit from:

  • An established conference that adapts to the times: ASJA has hosted an annual conference for more than 50 years. Each year, the conference adapts to meet the needs of writers at the moment, whether that’s AI developments or new anti-freelance legislation or regulations.
  • Individual tracks united by common goals: The conference provides tracks for books, content marketing writing, and journalism to address your unique needs, in addition to sessions that cover general writer topics. No matter your genre or niche, you’ll find sessions to help you reach your career goals.
  • A community of writers built on connections: You’ll find multiple ways to interact with other writers and industry professionals. We have opportunities for one-on-one networking or gathering with a group to discuss relevant personal and professional topics, such as work/life balance.

Keynote Speakers

Krishan Trotman

Krishan Trotman

VP, Publisher, Legacy Lit.

Tuesday, Sept. 24

Trotman, who’s been called the “Beyonce of Books,” spent the past 15 years publishing works by and about multicultural voices and social justice. In 2020 she started Hachette’s Legacy Lit imprint to focus on works by writers of color. Recent Legacy Lit titles include “Undiplomatic,” by former White House social secretary Deesha Dyer, and “Madness,” a New York Times Editor’s Pick by Antonia Hylton.

When Trotman spoke to the New York Times for this February 2024 article about the ongoing lack of diversity in publishing, she was one of only two Black publishers at Hachette. “It has been harder for brown folks in publishing to find mentors at the executive level,” she told the Times.

Trotman co-authored the Queens of Resistance book series released in 2020 celebrating four of Congress’ “most beloved boss ladies” – Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Peter Shankman

Peter Shankman

Founder, Source of Sources (SOS)

Wednesday, Sept. 25

You may have heard a collective cheer from long-time freelancers this spring when media entrepreneur Peter Shankman launched a free source-finding tool for journalists reminiscent of his original media matchmaking service, Help a Reporter Out (HARO).

Much like HARO, the new site, called Source of Sources (SOS), helps journalists find sources and helps companies, nonprofits, and other sources get publicity. SOS fills the hole left when Cision, the global PR company, retired HARO earlier in 2024. Shankman started HARO in 2008 and sold it in 2010 to a company that Cision merged with in 2014.

Read this LinkedIn post by Shankman explaining why he launched the new service, which he initially called “Help Every Reporter Out” before changing the name to SOS.

Shankman is no stranger to ASJA. He spoke at the organization’s annual conference in New York in 2010.

David W. Brown

David W. Brown

Asst. Prof. of Instruction/Asst. Dean for Community and Communication, Temple University

Thursday, Sept. 26

David W. Brown is the ultimate multi-hyphenate. In addition to teaching at Temple University, Brown advises the school’s Black Public Relations Society student chapter, and is a frequent columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer and other local newspapers. He also serves as a part-time pastor.

According to Brown, writers must maintain their integrity in a media industry roiled by AI and other changes. In his keynote, Brown expects to touch on that as well as on the value of storytelling, the importance of ethics and the human touch in the era of AI, and the future of content.

Brown previously was general manager of 900 AM WURD, Pennsylvania’s only black-owned talk radio station. The Obama administration named him a “Champion of Change” for his work in faith, private, and public communities. Among his many accolades, Brown is a past Pennsylvania Communication Association Speaker of the Year, and was inducted into the Philadelphia Public Relations Association’s PR Hall of Fame. His 2010 book, ”Freedom Drawn from Within: A History of the Delaware Annual Conference,”  examines the historic role that African Americans played in the formation of the modern United Methodist Church.

The ASJA conference featured programming in three writing genres

Blue journalism icon

Journalism Track

The journalism industry and profession have changed dramatically in recent years, for freelance writers and staff writers alike. As layoffs at newsrooms and publications across the country have increased, many former staffers have made the leap to working for themselves. The journalism track offers tips and techniques for transitioning to freelance and relevant topics, such as the emergence of advocacy journalism.

Pink content marketers icon

Content Marketing Writing Track

From blog posts to white papers, the content marketing track primes you for more clients and assignments. Whether you’re an experienced content writer or just breaking into this lucrative field, you’ll get up-to-the-minute insights from accomplished and knowledgeable writers, clients, and agencies. We’ll explore topics such as Google’s SEO updates and how to get into content strategy. 

Green authors icon

Books Track

Writing and publishing a nonfiction book is a big undertaking — whether it’s your first, your fifth, or your 25th. Books track sessions offer insights on the craft, planning, marketing, and business of books, so you can deliver your best work and build an audience eager to read what you write. Sessions will cover the secrets to landing an agent and how to be your own book publicist.


    • Building the Dreaded Author Platform: What to Do Before Sending Out Your Proposal, on deciding how to effectively promote yourself ahead of writing a book.

    • Genre Fluidity: How Switching Genres Might Turn a Yes into a No, moderated by Susan Shapiro.

    • Landing the Impossible Book Deal, a discussion of small presses, independent and academic publishers moderated by author and long-time ASJA member Sherry Amatenstein with Raj Tawney and other authors.

Deborah Jian Lee
Deborah Jian Lee


    • The Emerging Role of Advocacy Journalism, with award-winning journalist Deborah Jian Lee, senior editor at the Economic Hardship Reporting Project, and other speakers.

    • Breaking into AARP Publishing Empire, with AARP Executive Editor George Mannes, and other speakers.

Content Marketing Writing

    • Going It Alone: Sole Proprietorship, LLC, or S-Corp, Which Structure is Right for You?, an evaluation of writing business structures that address changing employee classification regulations, with Rus Garofalo, of Brass Taxes, and other speakers.

    • Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Content Strategist?, a discussion for content writers who want to expand their services to include planning, publishing, and managing content, with brand strategy leaders Alexandra Frost, Amelia Edelman, and Treasa Edmond.

Cross-Genre Sessions and Abigail Thomas-Estelle Erasmus Fireside Chat

Abigail Thomas (Photo credit Jennifer Waddell)

The ASJA 2024 conference will feature several sessions for writers of all types. One covers the ethics of using AI as a tool in your writing business, featuring well-known freelance writing coach Ed Gandia, and editor and ethical AI advocate Amy Frushour Kelly.

Another session is a fact-checking how-to led by Wudan Yan, award-winning journalist and founder and executive producer of The Writers’ Co-op, a business podcast and learning academy for freelance creatives.

The conference will close with a fireside chat between prolific author and memoirist Abigail Thomas, and ASJA member Estelle Erasmus, author of “Writing That Gets Noticed,” and host of the Freelance Writing Direct podcast.

ASJA Confidential blog posts about the ASJA 2024 Conference



Registrations are non-transferable. Refunds will be provided for requests made in writing to asjaoffice@asja.org no later than Aug. 30, 2024. No refunds will be granted after that date.