Stephanie Stephens

Stephanie is a very experienced content marketing writer and journalist, TV/streaming producer, on-camera host, and voice over artist, with a major focus on health and healthcare, travel, pets, celebrities and investigations. Steph has worked freelance for many of the nation’s top publications, for hospitals and health systems, agencies, nonprofits, broadcasting networks, corporations, and consultants. She has lots of experience in public/media relations and marketing, radio, and TV. Her voice over services include production and editing in her professional home studio, along with script writing.


info Subjects


Business & Finance
Fitness & Nutrition
Health & Medicine
Nature & Environment



notepad Skills

  • Advertorials
  • Annual reports
  • Articles
  • Blog posts
  • Brochures
  • Case studies
  • Communications strategy
  • Content marketing
  • Event production
  • Feature writing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Infographics
  • Investigative reporting
  • Media relations
  • News
  • News releases
  • Op-Ed
  • Podcasts (producing)
  • Profiles
  • Radio (producing)
  • Radio (reporting)
  • Radio (writing)
  • Q&A
  • SEO
  • Scripts
  • Social media
  • Television (producing)
  • Television (reporting)
  • Television (writing)
  • Web copy
  • White papers

notepad Writing Credits


Selected Work

As author, unless indicated otherwise.


UC Physician Training Program Adds Diversity, but Where Do Graduates End Up?

An extensively researched story about “growing your own” doctors in the Central Valley of California.   


How to visit Sedona without being a jerk

Story requiring 20 hours of research, interviews, photo-taking and more...


Cerebral Vision Impairment in Children: When the Brain Causes Vision Issues

Comprehensive evaluation of cerebral or cortica visual impairmant in children, tapping the nation's experts on this topic, as well as parents of children with developmental disabilities. 


Contact Stephanie Stephens

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