Rita Colorito

An award-winning freelance healthcare and lifestyle journalist, I thrive on turning science-backed information and medical jaron into compelling narratives, engaging service journalism, and original SEO-optimized content. Whenever possible, I tackle medical misinformation. I strive to create content that is accessible, empathetic, and trustworthy. 

I’ve written hundreds of blogs, feature articles, and medical reference patient-education content for dozens of publications and digital media outlets. As a content marketing writer, I work with numerous health and lifestyle brands, associations, foundations, hospitals, healthcare systems, and healthcare plans. I collaborate with their internal and external stakeholders, subject matter experts, and C-suite executives to produce byliend and ghosted copywriting, web content writing, and thought leadership. I also work through several content agencies, including Contently, Skyword, Manifest Media, and Linkwell Health.

I’m a big picture thinker who minds the details. Prior to becoming a fulltime freelance writer, I served as editor of several association magazines and newsletters. I understand how design and story packaging impact the user experience. Though self-motivated, I enjoy working as part of a team to help clients identify editorial gaps and achieve their communications objectives. I also make sure the service journalism and content I create adhere’s to a client’s editorial style, voice, and values.

Through membership in both ASJA and the Association of Health Care Journalists, I stay up to date on reporting best practices, including evolving language on diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

info Subjects


Fitness & Nutrition
Health & Medicine


Behavioral and mental health; cardiovascular disease and heart health; cancer care and oncology; business of healthcare; physician leadership and career advancement; elder care and caregiving; MedTech and innovations; sleep medicine; pharmaceuticals and medication adherence; and women’s health. And… commercial construction.

notepad Skills

  • Blog posts
  • Conference coverage
  • Content marketing
  • Editing
  • Feature writing
  • Ghostwriting
  • Op-Ed
  • Profiles
  • Q&A
  • Scriptwriting
  • SEO
  • Social media
  • Web copy
  • Conference/meeting coverage
  • News
  • Publication management
  • Speechwriting
  • News releases
  • Ideation
  • Articles
  • Donor communications
  • Essays
  • Advertorials

notepad Writing Credits

Building Baltimore Magazine, Cardinal Health Essential Insights, Chicago Health, Costco Connections, Cleveland Clinic Catalyst, Everyday Health, HealthCentral, HemAware, IWMFWire, Lupus Living, Next Avenue, MedShadow.org, Prevention.com, Silver Sneakers, WebMD, WSMA Reports, WW.com (Weight Watchers)

star Awards, Honors, Appointments

2020 EXCEL Award, Silver (Feature Article, 10,000 or fewer) for Health at Risk, WSMA Reports

Selected Work

As author, unless indicated otherwise.

What Is Sebosporiasis?

Overview of what sebosporiasis is and isn’t, symptoms, and treatment options. 


Preventing the Great Resignation


How to Increase Your Metabolism


Addressing Racial and Ethn ic Health Disparities in Black and Latinx Communities

Feature article on racial and ethnic health disparities in treating patients with bleeding disorders


5 Good Ways to Help an Ailing Friend


Contact Rita Colorito

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